Can't make ApacheCon this week in New Orleans?  You can still watch all 
the keynotes, Apache 101 sessions, and system administration track in 
live video streams:

Keynotes and the Apache 101 lunchtime sessions are free; the full 
sysadmin track, including httpd performance, security, and server stack 
administration talks are available for a fee.

Keynotes include:
- David Recordon, Six Apart  (Wednesday 09:30)
   "Learning from Apache to create Open Specifications"

- Shahani Markus Weerawarana, Ph.D.  (Thursday 11:30)
   "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"

- Sam Ramji, Microsoft  (Friday 11:30)
   ""future", :open, :microsoft)"

   Reminder: New Orleans is CST or UTC/GMT -6 hours.

Advance notice: ApacheCon EU 2009 returns to Amsterdam, 23-27 March.  We 
had a great response to our CFP and look forward to announcing the 
schedule in the next month.

Lars Eilebrecht  -  V.P., Conference Planning

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