Personally I think that these stories are true. But I found on one of the BWMA 
sites (I will check when home) the following propaganda:
French railway engineers do not use the 1435 or 1430 mm size but but 4 ft 8.5 
in or in French 4 pieds 8,5 pouces.
I think that this is an enormous lie. Why should they? The metric value is more 
rational than the ifp one. If this were true the situation would really be 
In the sixties and seventies the French were experimenting with the Aerotrain, 
a train driven by one or more turboprops on a special elevated rail, speeds up 
to 300 km/h. It came to nothing in the end. 
In a Dutch magazine I read that a group of English journalists and other people 
were invited to have a ride on this turboprop-train. They were astonished that 
the speed was given in mph. When I read that I shuddered with revulsion (that 
was about 30 years ago). There are two possibilities: they had one ifp train 
and the rest was metric; or they really used ifp for this project. In that 
case, it must have been an offspring from the aviation industry which proudly 
has been flying the ifp banner for decades (That Airbus site which was 
discussed recently is sadly enough proof for it).
THAT would have been a jewel for the BWMA indeed.
BTW: The High Speed Trains in Europe are all metric.

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