I was very impressed with the Australian team.  I hope that their performance in the Wolrd Cup will help to popularize the sport in Australia. 

We did have a couple of British commentators here, but they used imperial measures only.  Probably have to give the UK a generation or two before meters become the preferred unit in soccer. 


On 7/11/06, Pat Naughtin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Remek,

I watched only a few games of football being broadcast from Germany and in those the Australian broadcasters generally used metric units only. However, there were also several commentators with English accents who gave metric units and then translated these back to old pre-metric measures. It seemed to me that English commentators had been employed by the Australian broadcasting company for their expertise because, in Australia, soccer has been a relatively minor game in the past so maybe we don't have many soccer commentators.

I have to say that this dumbing down grated mightily on my senses!


Pat Naughtin
PO Box 305, Belmont, 3216
Geelong, Australia

On 11/07/06 2:23 PM, "Remek Kocz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, the entire World Cup coverage in the States was all USC, from field distances to players' heights.  At least we finally were able to watch all the games on mainstream TV, and the ratings exceeded expectations.  The usage of yards is probably restricted to the English-speaking countries.  I certainly never heard the Polish broadcasts or newspaper match descriptions use yards.  Meters only.  I'd assume it's the same in every non-English-speaking country.


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