How?  Can you show me an example?  How is a package that states 1 pint 473 mL 
more deceptive then one showing 473 mL only?  How is 473 mL any more simple, 
clear and less deceptive then having the word 1 pint included on the label?


From: "" <>
To: U.S. Metric Association <>
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 11:46:56 AM
Subject: [USMA:43148] Re: true metrication is systemic

Respect rather than contempt for the EU Metric Directive (80-181) would be 
gained.  Presently the FPLA requires duality while, if enforced, the EU 
Directive requires metric-only labeling after 2010 Jan 1.  Simplicity, clarity, 
and less deceptive marketing would be gained by metric-only labeling.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 19:10:13 -0800 (PST)
>From: Jeremiah MacGregor <>  
>Subject: [USMA:43111] Re: true metrication is systemic  
>To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
>  Every package that I encounter has a metric
>  description on it.  Isn't that sufficient?  If by
>  chance the English units were removed, what would be
>  gained? 
>  Jerry 
>    ------------------------------------------------
>  To: U.S. Metric Association <>
>  Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:50:01 PM
>  Subject: [USMA:43041] Re: true metrication is
>  systemic
>  Paul et al:
>      Absolutely metrication needs a decision from the
>  top; however, visibility and use is essential to
>  make it work.  Packaging and road signs are
>  visible and used by most people and this would make
>  people familiar with and learn metric.  Those are
>  two highly visible and useful applications which
>  confront people daily and which would stimulate and
>  maintain the conversion process.
>      Yes, a procedure is necessary and  packaging and
>  road signs would be an excellent way for people to
>  learn metric in an every day environment.  Metric is
>  already used extensively below the public surface in
>  the US, however, most people don't know it or are
>  not concerned about it.  The SI and metric needs to
>  be brought into the open.
>      Stan Doore
>    ----- Original Message -----
>    From: Paul Trusten
>    To: U.S. Metric Association
>    Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 9:04 AM
>    Subject: [USMA:43032] true metrication is systemic
>    Stan et al., this is about procedure.  Metrication
>    is not a bottoms-up process; it is systemic.
>    Victory for metrication is to be found among our
>    leaders, who have to get together and set it in
>    motion. Road signs cannot function as
>    mere billboards for metrication, but rather, as
>    the results of metrication.  Once the starting
>    gun for real metrication is fired, and the race is
>    on for the 10-year transition period, we shall
>    have an ever-increasing number of visible and
>    audible signs of it, as weather reports report
>    wind speeds in kilometers per hour and
>    temperatures in degrees Celsius, available office
>    space is advertised in square meters on signs, and
>    those pesky media style guides are revised to
>    specify the use of metric units only, so that
>    every measurement we read about is stated in SI
>    metric units.
>    Metric "will win" when metrication starts in
>    earnest. I think that, for those of us who want a
>    metric America, real metrication will be very
>    satisfying, because it will be truly ubiquitous.
>    We will eventually get to that point where
>    refrigerator magnets that happen to be
>    thermometers will be Celsius-only thermometers,
>    and when you go into a  dollar store looking for a
>    ruler, it will be have millimeter scales on both
>    edges.  With true metrication, U.S. customary
>    units will go the way of the 33-1/3
>    RPM long-playing record.
>    Paul
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: STANLEY DOORE
>      To: U.S. Metric Association
>      Sent: 16 February, 2009 07:27
>      Subject: [USMA:43031] Re: More companies primed
>      to pounce on metric-only labeling
>          Road signs are an integral part of changing
>      to metric because they are so visible and an
>      integral part of all our lives.  change them,
>        weather reporting and product display in
>      grocery stores and metric will win.
>          Stan Doore
>        ----- Original Message -----
>        From: Brian J White
>        To: U.S. Metric Association
>        Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:53 PM
>        Subject: [USMA:43022] Re: More companies
>        primed to pounce on metric-only labeling
>        You know me Paul...I wasn't disputing
>        anything.  It just made me think.
>        Did the DOT rules relax over the past few
>        years on the speedo km/h requirement? 
>        At 20:47 2009-02-15, Paul Trusten wrote:
>          Changing road signs can only be a small part
>          of metrication. What about the speedometers,
>          odometers, driver training, federal and
>          state traffic regulations, statements of the
>          heights of tractor trailers in meters so the
>          drivers will understand the meters-only
>          clearance signs that will replaces the ones
>          that now read in feet? If there are jobs to
>          be held for metrication, they will be
>          created in many areas of our lives, and each
>          metric transition must be coordinated with
>          the others. There will be jobs in signage,
>          sure, but there will also be jobs in writing
>          new regulations, jobs providing metric
>          training, jobs in designing new products or
>          changes in old products.  Once the Nation's
>          leadership makes the decision to go metric,
>          all of these things will follow, e.g., there
>          would be a DOT requirement that, by a
>          certain date, all vehicles made in the U.S.
>          will display speedometers that read in
>          kilometers per hour only, and odometers that
>          accumulate kilometers only.  Metrication is
>          all or nothing.  It's a life process; a
>          living thing.
>                  ----- Original Message -----
>                  From: Brian J White
>                  To: U.S. Metric Association
>                  Sent: 15 February, 2009 22:29
>                  Subject: [USMA:43020] Re: More
>                  companies primed to pounce on
>                  metric-only labeling
>                  What gets me about sign changing,
>                  is....whatever happened to the DOT
>                  requirement that cars must be sold
>                  with both km/h and mph on the
>                  speedo?
>                  Mercedes over the past 3-4 years
>                  seems to be getting away without
>                  it...they are mph only it looks
>                  like.
>                  I know GM has numbers only with a
>                  legend that switches between mph and
>                  km/h, but the Mercedes cars look to
>                  be mph only all the time.  Makes
>                  for a suck time when driving to
>                  Canada I'm sure.
>                  My wife's old Honda Civic (I hated
>                  that car.) had both mph and km/h
>                  markings, but only MPH illuminated
>                  at night.  Talk about a bozo design
>                  feature right there.....  I tried to
>                  talk you out of the Honda again Nat,
>                  but to no avail.  :) 
>                  At 19:36 2009-02-15, STANLEY DOORE
>                  wrote:
>                      The NIST has drafted legislation
>                  to provide for metric only product
>                  labeling.  If Congress would pass it
>                  and the President sign it, there
>                  would be a great move to go all
>                  metric. 
>                      If ALL people would contact
>                  their Congressional
>                  representatives,  then perhaps
>                  something would happen.  No single
>                  organization can do it alone.
>                  However, most companies want to go
>                  metric and many already have gone
>                  metric like the auto industry has.
>                      With the current stimulus bill
>                  recently passed and it's called a
>                  jobs bill, it would be appropriate
>                  to have all road signs changed to
>                  metric very quickly.
>                      Stan Doore


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