Interesting also who the primary contractor is.  Lockheed Martin.....same contractor that built the doomed Mars Climate Orbiter due to Metric to English conversion issues.   I'm sure NASA came under serious pressure by Lockheed Martin to allow English units.....there is more to this story I'm absolutely sure of it.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [USMA:45149] Re: NASA Going English
Date: Sat, May 30, 2009 4:24 pm
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
Cc: "U.S. Metric Association" <>

But wait.....we could get Jerry to be militant.   That would do it I think.   They'd immediately see the wrong of their ways if he were involved.

Seriously though, this boggles my mind.   I'm serious when I say, we should all email and call the guy...let's start a grassroots effort here.  Get other people from other forums.....make it an internet MOVEMENT.   Heck, it's been done before to save silly-ass sitcoms.   Why not something as important as this?

Here is his contact information:
  Brian K. Muirhead
  CxP Chief Architect
  Chief, SE&I Design Integration Office
  818 687 7003

I wonder what the ranks within NASA feel about this.   Four things I'd love to see from NASA....a full metric commitment with no wavering, a return to the moon, a manned trip to Mars, and the return of the worm logo in place of the meatball.   :)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [USMA:45146] Re: NASA Going English
From: "Victor Jockin" <>
Date: Sat, May 30, 2009 3:51 pm
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>

We've lost NASA.  I have to say that for me, at least, I consider this to be a watershed moment, and something of a final defeat.  You could make a case that the critical final defeat came earlier (state DOTs, etc.), but NASA was still there as a bastion of reason, and it seemed they were moving in the right direction.  I always took solace in the fact that America's smartest government agency was on our side.  Next step, I predict, the deletion of metric units from consumer goods packaging.
I have to get a less depressing cause to advocate.  Maybe I'll join the NRA.  They seem to do OK. 

Sent: 05/29/2009 4:11 PM
Subject: [USMA:45124] NASA Going English

Quoted from link:
Subject: New Management Directive on Units


You've all heard the news that we're going back to English as the primary unit of measure. Attached is the draft Management Directive. We're planning on bring this MD to the CxCB on 6/5/09. Please let me know if you have any issues.

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