Thanks  guys, that's what I was looking for.  No need to do all this
research, just curious if anyone knew off the top of their head.


On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 4:04 PM, John Frewen-Lord <>wrote:

> The NBCC is primarily a performance based code, and most HVAC requirements
> (Part 6) are based on required air changes per hour - how you get those air
> changes is up to you as long as you can demonstrate it.  However, Part 9 is
> a prescriptive 'deemed to comply' section, primarily for small buildings and
> dwellings.
> Pulling out bits from both Parts 6 and 9, the following might be useful:
> Part 6
> Storage garages - 3.9 L/s per square metre of floor area.
> Heat recovery ventilators - min 25 L/s, max 200 L/s.
> Part 9 and its Appendix
> There are a couple of tables that determine the size of of intake openings
> to avoid excessive depressurization of dwellings, based on fan capacities of
> min. 25 L/s, max. 150 L/s.  This can go down to 20 L/s, up to 170 L/s for
> 'airtight' dwellings (i.e. based on R2000 construction standards).
> Fan sizes must be based on a calculation procedure using a house's volume -
> e.g. a house of 720 m^3 will require total fan capacity of 60 L/s.
> The above is a bit disjointed and relates to very specific situations, but
> I hope it gives some idea of the numbers involved.  As I said, most parts of
> the NBCC don't specify fan sizes, etc, just changes of air per hour and
> other similar performance based criteria.
> John F-L
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <>
> To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 5:13 PM
> Subject: [USMA:50093] Re: PC Case fans & flow measurements
>  What are some typical numbers in L/s or in m^3/s for home ventilation, for
>> home heating and cooling systems, and for smaller fans (e.g. in computers)?
>> ---- Original message ----
>>> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:16:19 -0000
>>> From: "John Frewen-Lord" <>
>>> Subject: [USMA:50092] Re: PC Case fans & flow measurements
>>> To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
>>>  The National Building Code of Canada specifies all
>>>  ventilation, air supply and air extraction rates in
>>>  either L/s or m3/s.  Hope this helps.
>>>  John F-L
>>> ...

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