I noticed that on most of my kids stuff in schools here, Science is all metric.

From: Eric L Shuman [mailto:ericlshu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:52 PM
To: Ressel, Howard R (DOT)
Cc: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: Re: [USMA:53684] RE: Common Core Math

It's worth noting that New York State has regents exams in Earth Science that 
are nearly 100% metric -- there's absolutely no mention of any USC units except 
for Fahrenheit, and then only in the context of weather station models.  More 
states should follow this example; as far as I can tell, New York is the only 
state that provides material like this.  (If there are more, I'd be very very 
happy to see them.)
Here are some of the reference materials:


I used these materials in 8th grade, and I know I used metric in high school 
physics and college science classes.  And yet, it was still a personal choice 
(and not an easy one) to switch to metric!  I think what is most sorely needed 
is the cultural support to USE metric beyond the classroom -- and of course, 
that's a problem we have in a lot of academic fields.

On 7 April 2014 06:14, Ressel, Howard R (DOT) 
<howard.res...@dot.ny.gov<mailto:howard.res...@dot.ny.gov>> wrote:
We might not like it but American children do need to learn to speak both 
languages.  It would be better though if metric was primarily and English 
secondary and I agree, a bit more background on when to use either or at least 
what common practice is in the US. Anyone can teach how many inches in a foot 
how many millimeters in a meter but the great teacher espouses the virtues of 
SI and instills that into the students so when the grow and function in the 
real world they push themselves for the system that is superior. I'm not sure 
how you express that in standards.  We need to push that in the teaching 

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-u...@colostate.edu<mailto:owner-u...@colostate.edu> 
[mailto:owner-u...@colostate.edu<mailto:owner-u...@colostate.edu>] On Behalf Of 
Pierre Abbat
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 11:46 AM
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:53676] Common Core Math

They're still introducing inches and centimeters together and not explaining 
that the inch is defined in metric, thus leaving students confused about which 
units to use. Have any of you written to Common Core about this? I was off the 
list a few months ago because of mail server problems, so I have missed 

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