
The attachment Ken Butcher sent me is *precisely* a copy of the letter sent to 
the FTC from the NCWM, signed by  Chris Guay (sp?)  Chris' letter is available 
at the FTC Web Site under Comments to the FTC.

The terminal I'm working from at this moment does not allow me to open the FTC 
Web Pages or the PDF File sent by Ken Butcher (a copy of Chris' Letter), for 
security reasons.  Sorry.

I'll try again later from another terminal.

From: James [j...@metricmethods.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 12:03 PM
To: mechtly, eugene a
Subject: Re: [USMA:54162] Re: Comments to FTC from the NCWM & NIST

Gene, it would be helpful if you provided to the USMA mail list readers
the document that Ken attached to his reply.


James R. Frysinger
632 Stoney Point Mountain Road
Doyle TN 38559-3030

(C) 931.212.0267
(H) 931.657.3107
(F) 931.657.3108

On 2014-07-16 10:19, mechtly, eugene a wrote:
> Ken,
> I did find “comment Number 5” in the “Attached” PDF, just as you stated,
> and I heartily support the objective of comment Number 5!!!  Acceptance
> of metric-only labeling by FTC selective enforcement of metric
> declarations of amounts inside packages.
> I’m sorry to have wasted your time by opening the Attachment only after
> scanning the other URLs.
> Gene Mechtly.
> On Jul 16, 2014, at 8:27 AM, Butcher, Kenneth S.
> <kenneth.butc...@nist.gov <mailto:kenneth.butc...@nist.gov>> wrote:
>> Mr. Mechtly
>> Attached is a PDF of the comments the National Conference on Weights
>> and Measures submitted to the FTC regarding their regulatory review of
>> the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA) that you requested.  Please
>> see comment Number 5 which encourages FTC to consider allowing metric
>> only labeling under its rulemaking authority.   NIST worked closely
>> with the NCWM to prepare and submit the comments.  The FTC was already
>> well aware that both the NIST and the NCWM have supported voluntary
>> metric only labeling since 1999 when the Uniform Packaging and
>> Labeling Regulation in NIST Handbook 130 was amended. This URL will
>> take you to the NIST Handbook
>> 130:http://www.nist.gov/pml/wmd/pubs/hb130-14.cfm This URL will take
>> you to the proposed amendment to FPLA to permit metric only
>> label:http://www.nist.gov/pml/wmd/metric/pack-lab.cfm. Copies of both
>> publications have been given to FTC.
>> Ken Butcher
>> National Institute of Standards and Technology
>> Office of Weights and Measures
>> <NCWM Comments to FTC on FPLA.pdf>

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