I am trying to learn more about the FPLA and UPLR Inspectors; the Federal, 
State, and local (city) officials  who have the authority to take products 
(packages) "off sale" if they do not meet the requirrements stated in NIST 
Handbooks 44, 130, and 133.

Is there a database (registry) of Inspectors? (name and office address or other 
contact information)?
Is each, a federal, state, or local employee?
Is the employer a federal, State, or local authority? e.g. USDA, FDA, AT&F, 
EPA, County __, City of ___? 
What NIST Training Course(s) has each Inspector passed? 
Is the Inspector elected or appointed?
Is the Inspector a voting member of the NCWM?
What NCWM committees has each Inspector served on and when?

All this is public information, and I shall be surproised if it is not 
available somwhere from NIST, from the NCWM, or from State or local records.

Eugene Mechtly

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