You probably mean ‘sell things outside of canada as well as other parts of the 

On 31 Dec 2015, at 19:55, <> <> 

> I was living in Canada at the time, and served as an alternate on the 
> construction sector committee. I do remember rumours about Marchand wanting 
> to stop Canada's conversion in its tracks. But Trudeau stood firm - he had a 
> vision for Canada (a Canada that was not another USA), and metric conversion 
> was part of that. Trudeau did a lot of bad things in his time as Canadian PM, 
> but you cannot fault him for his vision of making Canada a great 
> international country. The sad part was when Mulroney became PM in 1984 (I 
> think that was the year), and dismantled everything about Canada's 
> metrication program, announcing that 'Canada was open for business' - i.e. we 
> can sell Canada out to the USA. Such a travesty.
> John F-L
> -----Original Message----- From:
> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 7:23 PM
> To: USMA List Server
> Subject: [USMA 57] U.S. Metric Act Drove Canada to Metric, if Not U.S.
> I had never heard this story of how close Canada came to dumping metric.
> Thank goodness Prime Minister Trudeau stood firm in 1976.  Even Jimmy
> Carter, unbeknownst to him, saved metric in Canada if not in the U.S.
> Would that we had had a President as foresightful and courageous as
> Trudeau!
> Martin Morrison, "Metric Today" Columnist
> ============
> From:  Kamloops This Week
> "By 1976, Marchand was in cabinet as Minister of State for Small Business
> and handed the task of bringing the metric system to Canada.
> "I was really getting a lot of heat about metric, Marchand says.  So, I
> said to Pierre [Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada], Give me the word and I
> can dismantle it.  But, he said, We are a trading nation and one of the
> last great nations in the world not going metric.
> "At one time, Marchand says, he had a letter from then-U.S. president
> Jimmy Carter confirming that country would also go metric."
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