Hello again,

has no one an idea? I have still not managed to get it working..
I would take any advice!

Best regards,


> Hello together,
> recently I installed the whole UHD/GNU-Radio Toolchain on a fresh install
> of Kubuntu 18.04 LTS. I followed the instructions from
> https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_Development
> and used the Pybombs install.
> (I ran into a lot of problems there and had to install a lot of stuff
> manually because most of the commands were not working properly. Maybe the
> Pybombs Tutorial Section needs an update?)
> Finally I managed to install it successfully and the command
> uhd_config_version -- info prints: UHD
> (I also installed Vivado 2018.3 and added the License which seems to
> work.)
> After the install I wanted to validate it by creating an OOT Module and
> OOT Block named noc_block_checkdevprocess.v. I did not edit the Verilog
> Code because I only wanted to know if I was able to build an Image
> properly.
> (I ran the default Testbench too, which worked without errors.)
> The command to build my image is:
> ./uhd_image_builder.py checkdevprocess digital_gain -t X310_RFNOC_HG -d
> X310 -I /home/lskt/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/rfnoc
> with "rfnoc-blocks_lskt" beeing my OOT Module and "checkdevprocess" beeing
> my  custom block.
> (I also tried the paths home/lskt/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/rfnoc/;
> home/lskt/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/; home/lskt/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/rfnoc/fpga-src )
> Every single time I get the same error message:
> ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'noc_block_checkdevprocess' not found
> [/home/lskt/rfnoc/src/uhd-fpga/usrp3/top/x300/rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_x310.v:22]
> and I don't know why.
> I also tried the the uhd_image_builder_gui.py which did not even pop up
> until I uncommented the Line at row 149. I can see my OOT Block here after
> adding the Module in the gui, but it prints the same error message as the
> non-gui version.
> If you need further information to help please ask.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Felix
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