On 04/21/2011 10:16 PM, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> So... seeing as there hasn't been much this semester, I was thinking
> that we should do something next week before I leave for California. I
> have a couple of different ideas, and figured I'd leave it up to
> everyone still in the area as to what they'd like:
> Idea 1: I have a tv, computer, and the new Tron movie. My place isn't
> all that big, and we can't watch a movie on campus, but if we could
> figure out a place to watch it, I'm thinking it would be a lot of fun. I
> could pick up a few Little Caesar's. (my place could really only handle
> a half dozen).
> Idea 2: Over the next few days, I'm going to be taking a dive course
> into Android development, and writing a simple binary clock live
> wallpaper. I could put together everything I learn and do a presentation
> on it.
> Wednesday or Thursday night is what I'm thinking.
> Jon
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I like the android development idea.  If we could get permission from 
the studio, we could probably watch Tron someplace like the 
planetarium.  Otherwise, I hear the police like nothing better than to 
show up and crash the party.

;-Daniel Fussell
BYU Unix Users Group 

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