Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Tim Westergren - Founder, Pandora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: April 18, 2007 11:44:29 AM MDT
> Subject: Help Save Pandora and Internet Radio
> Trouble viewing this email?...Click here
> Hi, it's Tim from Pandora,
> I'm writing today to ask for your help.  The survival of Pandora  
> and all of Internet radio is in jeopardy because of a recent  
> decision by the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, DC to almost  
> triple the licensing fees for Internet radio sites like Pandora.   
> The new royalty rates are irrationally high, more than four times  
> what satellite radio pays, and broadcast radio doesn't pay these at  
> all.  Left unchanged, these new royalties will kill every Internet  
> radio site, including Pandora.
> In response to these new and unfair fees, we have formed the  
> SaveNetRadio Coalition, a group that includes listeners, artists,  
> labels and webcasters.  I hope that you will consider joining us.
> Please sign our petition urging your Congressional representative  
> to act to save Internet radio: 
> issues/alert/?alertid=9631541                                                 
> Please feel free to forward this link/email to your friends - the  
> more petitioners we can get, the better.
> Understand that we are fully supportive of paying royalties to the  
> artists whose music we play, and have done so since our inception.   
> As a former touring musician myself, I'm no stranger to the  
> challenges facing working musicians.  The issue we have with the  
> recent ruling is that it puts the cost of streaming far out of the  
> range of ANY webcaster's business potential.
> I hope you'll take just a few minutes to sign our petition - it  
> WILL make a difference. As a young industry, we do not have the  
> lobbying power of the RIAA. You, our listeners, are by far our  
> biggest and most influential allies.
> As always, and now more than ever, thank you for your support.
> -Tim Westergren
> (Pandora founder)
> © copyright 2006, Pandora Media, Inc. All rights reserved.
> 360 22nd Street - Suite 440 - Oakland CA - 94612
> You are currently subscribed to receive email updates from Pandora.  
> If you would like to unsubscribe, please log in to your account at  
>, click on the account button, click 'edit my  
> account', click edit, uncheck the checkbox in the lower-left of the  
> screen, and click save. If you have any trouble, please email  
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