Contact emails, Explainer Spec TAG review A small
JavaScript features, a TAG review is not required, as TC39 already provide
significant technical oversight. Summary Provides a new API to get
localized names of language, region, script, currency codes of
international standard as well as commonly used names of date fields and
symbols. Link to “Intent to Prototype” blink-dev discussion
Interoperability and Compatibility This is a new API. It is currently under
TC39 Stage 3. *Firefox*: No public signals *Edge*: No public signals
*Safari*: No public signals *Web developers*: No signals Ergonomics The
implementation depend on pre-existing functions in already linked in ICU
library During the prototype phrase we identify no small size increase
impact since all the strings were already included to support other Chrome
functionality. Activation Web developers could use the API immediately upon
our shipment. Security Web developers could use the API immediately upon
our shipment.
Debuggability Nothing special. Will this feature be supported on all six
Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android
WebView)? Yes It will be supported on all platform. Is this feature fully
tested by web-platform-tests
? Yes Tests were added into test262 before shipping it in chrome. Tracking
bug Link to entry on
the Chrome Platform Status
This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status

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