


A Stage 3 proposal that introduces a new formatter under Intl.

Intl.ListFormat  helps libraries and frameworks format a list in a
localized fashion by providing internationalized messages using a customary
local word or phrase when available. For example, calling its format()
method with ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Delta"] would return the string
"Alice, Bob, Charlie and Delta" in English.

let lf = new ListFormat("en");


// > "Alicce"

lf.format(["Alice", "Bob"]);

// > "Alice and Bob"

lf.format(["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]);

// > "Alice, Bob and Charlie"

lf.format(["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Delta"]);

// > "Alice, Bob, Charlie and Delta"

lf = new ListFormat("zh");


// > "譚永鋒"

lf.format(["譚永鋒", "劉新宇"]);

// > "譚永鋒和劉新宇"

Interoperability and compatibility risk

The Intl.ListFormat is new and should have no risk to break pre-existing
javascript code.


   Firefox:In development

   Edge:No public signals

   Safari:No public signals

   Web Developers: No public signals

Is this feature fully tested?

Yes; our implementation passes our own V8 tests as well as the Test262
tests for all the features.

Tracking bug


Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status dashboard


Requesting approval to ship?

Yes. Note that since this is a V8/JS feature, this post is just an FYI to
blink-dev — no signoff from Blink API owners is required.

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