I'm trying to create some kind of runner that also enables additional js 
functionalities and i'd like it to give the proper line in the correct file 
upon exception).

The runner which simply loads two files, 
concatenates them to a third file creates source map and runs the script 
itself (using the npm module 'concat-with-sourcemap').

I've been trying to find a way for v8 to load the sourcemap itself. I've 
noticed possible usable API in *v8::scriptorigin* which enables to pass 
path to source map but it seems to have no effect when compilation error 
The exception is given in the correct line but in the concatenated file 
(aka third file) instead of one of the original files (Say file1 and file2).

So I started to suspect the sourcemap, but when I inlined the sourcemap 
into the third file (with base64 encoding), and used inspector with chrome 
- it gave the correct line and correct file. so the sourcemap itself is 
probably fine.

Currently, I haven't found any docs on the proper usage of sourcemap with 
v8 api - has anyone have had any experience? or has any idea on how to use 

Thanks ahead,

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