/* I guess the issues is the way you handle the app invocation, you're
trying to parse the
command-line arguments yourself, and that could be causing the errors. I
recommend to look into
the vala application inside gnome that use Gtk.Application. Gnome Contacts,
Gnome Boxes does that
and I think Baobab does as well. */
/* Check the code below which is mainly what I use. */

public class App: Gtk.Application {
private ApplicationWindow window;

public App () {
/* Here, you should check the flags, since those flags define how your app
will be invoked */
Object (application_id: "nova.ncopier", flags:

/* For instance the HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE flags wil give you access to this
method that
 will be called everytime some call your application from the command line.
public override int command_line (ApplicationCommandLine command_line) {
var args = command_line.get_arguments ();

/* blah, blah, blah */

activate ();

return 0;

public override void activate () {
if (window == null)
create_window ();
add_new_copy_to_window ();

window.present ();

/* And your application is launched like this */
public static int
main (string[] args) {
var app = new App ();
app.run (args);

return 0;
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