Re: [Vala] IDE ?

2010-03-16 Thread Uwe Strempel
I'm using vim with vala.vim-plugin and omnicppcomplete. 2010/3/16 Bob Hazard gEdit with the Valencia plugin here too On 16 March 2010 13:36, Sam Wilson wrote: On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 05:30 -0700, Rob Powell wrote: I'm using Valencia with

Re: [Vala] Final / Sealed classes in Vala

2009-09-25 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hello, Something I don't get here... The whole point of subclassing, is to make something old, do something new. Yes. Isn't that like calling any developer that might be looking at extending your class, an idiot? I'd have thought making sure virtuals aren't miss-overridden, is the

Re: [Vala] math functions

2009-07-15 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hi, Try GLib.Math For example using GLib; ... double result = Math.sqrt(9); ... GLib has redinfed all mathematical functions. Regards Uwe 2009/7/15 Carlos Costa Hi guys, Vala is a great programming language, thank you =) I'm writing a tutorial in Portuguese and one

Re: [Vala] Understanding compiler... where to start?

2009-07-13 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hello, may be I can help you. I'm not a vala developer, but I also looked at source code. Do the following 1. Try to download the source 2. Open vala.vapi from vala source (vala-version/vala) Here you have an overview of all used classes in vala-compiler. I think you can start reading at

Re: [Vala] Bug in gtk+-2.0.vapi

2009-05-29 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hi, I've tried to port some Gtkmm example to vala and after I changed the vapi it works (see attachment). May be its wrong. Thanks for response. I will think about it. Regards Uwe 2009/5/29 Frederik Uwe Strempel wrote: Hi, I've found another one in gtk+-2.0.vapi

[Vala] Bug in gtk+-2.0.vapi

2009-05-27 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hi, I've found a bug in gtk+-2.0.vapi. In class Widget. I' think size_allocate is wrong before: public virtual signal void size_allocate (Gtk.Allocation allocation); after change: public virtual signal void size_allocate (ref Gtk.Allocation allocation); I don't know if signal works with ref,

Re: [Vala] Linux26 vapi

2009-05-14 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hi, I think you can do it similar to GdkEvent. You can define a struct containing all public fields as public attributes in vala. See Gdk.Event in vala gdk-2.0.vapi. Best regards Uwe 2009/5/14 Sudharshan S On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer

Re: [Vala] Windows Low level with Vala

2009-03-12 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hello, in vala-1.0.vapi I've found some type name unichar. This is the unicode (16bit character) representation in glib. I think unichar* could be one solution to get LPCWSTR to run. Regards Uwe 2009/3/10 Thank you both for your info. Got invoked MessageBoxA into the vapi

Re: [Vala] Friend class?

2009-03-12 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hello, I think friend class should not supported in vala. If you use them that shows that code should be redisgned. In c# and other programming language there is a programming paradigm for explicit or hidden interfaces. I think that would be a better approuch. In c# it is also possible to define

Re: [Vala] Extension Methods

2009-03-06 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hi, yes you are right. C# 3.0 syntac for inner-type declaration is not the best. This syntax: public int string.count_words() { return this.split_set( .?).length; } might be better. Thanks, regards Uwe 2009/3/6 Didier Ptitjes Hello Uwe, Uwe

[Vala] Extension Methods

2009-03-05 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hi, is there any feature like extension methods from c# 3.0 in vala supported. It would be a cool feature in vala and could allow to write better code. namespace ExtensionMethods { public static class MyExtensions { public static int WordCount(this String str) {

[Vala] How to define inline callback functions in vapi

2009-01-20 Thread Uwe Strempel
Hello, How can I define inline declared callback functions in vapi files? I have for example follwing native c-code functions: class_new( void* (list_append)(void*,void*)); or class_new( void* (list_foreach)(void*, void *(fnc)(void*,void*,void*) ,void*)); Thanks for help! Best regards Uwe