This is using two Genie bugs as examples to try and find out how the Genie 
"community" handle triage, documentation and enhancements.
The two more bugs are "print statement with no arguments does not compile" ( ) and "Print statement does 
not print newline if it has a null argument" ( )

Print statement with no arguments does not compile
This is a request that to print a blank line just print can be used, instead of 
print "". This would be like Python 2, although with Python 3 and print now 
being a function simply typing 'print' returns a statement that it is a built 
in function.

Personally I don't mind if print with no value just prints a blank line instead 
of returning a compile error. The question is who agrees this change? It is 
reasonable to have the print statement expect something to print so this is 
probably more an enhancement than a bug. Is there a Genie benevolent dictator 
such as with Python or can only a community consensus be agreed for a change to 
be accepted? How is the acceptance then recorded - presumably in bugzilla?

Once the change is agreed, who is assigned the task of fixing it? In this 
instance because it is a fairly trivial change I think it should be assigned to 
the raiser, but what if they are not capable of delving into the Vala source 
code for Genie to fix this? Should this instead be closed as a good idea, but 
with limited resources there was no-one to take on the task?

Once a patch is received in bugzilla how is it reviewed and applied? There is 
at least one bug ( ) which 
has a patch that has not been applied.

Print statement does not print newline if it has a null argument
I tried to generate some nulls and it made me come across what may be seen as a 
different bug.

    var test = new array of int [5]
    for var item in test
        print item.to_string()

prints all zeros. 

    var test = new array of string [5]
    for var item in test
        print item

prints all nulls. Would it be better to have this as all empty strings? There 
is a desire to avoid nulls, for example see and Would a new array of 
strings with empty strings solve the use case the bug reporter was having 
problems with? If so then can this bug be closed as nulls are ugly so they 
should probably print ugly! and open a new bug that new array of string [x] 
should be empty strings not nulls. Otherwise I can't think of any problem with 
having print null print with a newline, so it leads so the same set of 
questions as the analysis above.


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