
I would apreciate some help with this screen size problem. The guest OS
is a fresh gentoo linux OS install that worked fine with vbox-1.5.6
using a fully updated XP host.

The problem started after upgrading to vbox-1.6. Here is the output of
the guest additions install:

Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 1.6.0 Guest Additions for Linux installation
VirtualBox 1.6.0 Guest Additions installation
Which: no dkms in
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module...
Building the shared folder support kernel module...
Installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions...

Could not set up the X Window VBoxClient service.
To start the VBoxClient service at log-in for a given user, add the
command 98vboxadd-xclient to the file .xinitrc in their home directory.
Successfully installed the VirtualBox Guest Additions.
Your must restart....

I added the line 

just before the line
exec vmware

(don't know why the "98" is appearing in front of vboxadd-xclient)

in the .xinitrc file. After firing up startx, I only get a ~643x368 size
screen (info from xwininfo). The /var/log/Xorg.0.log file has many
informational lines complaining about vrefresh and hsync out of range,
(II) VBoxVideo(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (vrefresh out of

I am using the sync values:

HorizSync 30-92
VertRefresh 50-85

in the xorg.conf file.

Interesting enough this config file worked when using
vbox-1.5.6-1_Win_x86 and the same gentoo guest OS. I was able to change
the screen size up to 1600x1200 before upgrading to vbox-1.6. I have the
following xorg.conf modes:

Modes "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Also the output of lsmod currently is:

Module        Size  Used by
vboxvfs      30144  0
vboxadd      47584  5 vboxvfs

The vbox mouse integration works fine. I am using windowmaker as a
window manager in the gentoo guest OS. Therefore, I typically edit the
xorg.conf file manually.

The guest OS is almost all functional. Network is fine and share folders
I am using the original linux kernel and Xorg 1.3.
However the seamless mode in the virtual box Machine menu is grayed out.
This is probably a reflection of not finding dkms when building the vbox
kernel module (??)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Valmor de Almeida

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