
I'm trying to set up a Linux Kubuntu 7.10 guest on a Windows XP Pro
SP2 Host using VirtualBox 1.5.6.  I need to set up a shared folder 
and I'm using a command like this:

$ sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1234,gid=1234 sharename /home

and it works because I am able to open up text files on the host, edit, and save

However as soon as I run this command I am no longer able to use X applications
that weren't already running before I issued the command.  On trying to start
a new emacs under X, I get "Cannot connect to X server", and a message saying I
should set the DISPLAY variable.  The variable has already been set, and setting
it again does not fix the problem.  On trying to open a new konsole, KDE simply
says something like "could not run konsole".  Firefox won't even open up.  The
bouncing icon which indicates that firefox is loading, bounces for a while and
just goes away.  All these three things work before I issue the mount command.

How can I correct this?  Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.

ps  My machine is running behind a proxy (don't know if any of this is
significant), on a 2-processor dual-core Xeon machine.  VirtualBox settings are
1G RAM, 12G HDD on a 4G RAM and 80G HDD machine.

Thanks, Ambrose

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