In doc/doc_html/vpopmail.html, I see

--enable-relay-clear-minutes=360 expire time for roaming users after pop

          If  --enable-roamin-users=y  is  set  then this option sets how
          long clearopensmtp should keep IP's in the list. The default is
          3 hours.

IMO, 3 hours is 180 minutes not 360.  

But my confidence is completely shaken when I read, in

    The default is 360 minutes or 3 hours.

Finally, in the FAQ I see

    clearopenstmp will ask for a lock, clear out any roaming IP's 
    whos timestamps are over 1 hour old since last pop authentication.

./configure does seem to set this value to 180.

Mate Wierdl | Dept. of Math. Sciences | University of Memphis  

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