
I'm having a weird problem with procmail and vdeliver.  When I have
procmail deliver a message directly to the Maildir, everything works
fine.  When I have procmail hand the message off to vdeliver, the
message bounces with "lseek error 29 / lseek errno-29".

I searched the vchkpw archives at  --> 

I searched on "lseek" and didn't find anything directly matching my
problem, although I did see other posts that seem to indicate this is
possible and that people are doing it.  And then I saw the following
post (Re: Bad code in vdelivermail) and I'm wondering if this is
what's causing my problems.


I'm testing on a single account but I do want to deploy this on a
domain wide basis, and really don't want to create >500 individual
.qmail files.  Also, delivering directly to Maildirs seems to bypass
some of the more desired features of vdelivermail, like quotas.

I'm not a programmer; I dabble in perl and shell scripts but I'm way
over my head when it comes to rummaging around in the intestines of
something like vdeliver.c.    :)

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Patches?  Tips?  Advice?

In the off chance that I've screwed up something in my setup, here's
what I've done.  I'd be grateful for any advice here, too.  :)

Software versions --> 

Qmail 1.03 with the QMAILQUEUE patch
Vpopmail 5.0
Procmail 3.15.2
RH Linux 6.2

The account I'm testing with is [EMAIL PROTECTED]; it has a .qmail
file with the procmail/vdeliver calls.  Here are the .qmail and
procmailrc files I'm using.

.qmail-lisatest -->

     |/var/qmail/bin/preline /usr/bin/procmail -m    
     | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

(All of the above is on one line)

procmailrc  -->

    #DEFAULT = "/home/vpopmail/domains/pekin.net/6/lisatest/Maildir/"
    LOGFILE = "/home/vpopmail/domains/pekin.net/procmail/lisatest/procmail.log"
    LOGABSTRACT = "all"
    VERBOSE = "on"

This is a pretty simple recipe; it doesn't do anything to the message
(yet) and it's only supposed to write to STDOUT, where presumably
vdeliver takes over.

When I have procmail deliver directly to the Maildir, everything works
fine.  When I have procmail hand off to vdelivermail, the message
bounces with the following error -->

   Hi. This is the qmail-send program at caswyn.pekin.net.  I'm afraid
   I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
   This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

   lseek error 29
   lseek errno=29

The procmail log for that session seems perfectly normal --> 

   procmail: [19455] Thu Nov 15 13:13:04 2001
   procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=|"
   From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Nov 15 19:13:04 2001
   Subject: Testing ....
   Folder: |

Qmail smptd logs show  -->

2001-11-15 12:46:02.968959500 info msg 217: bytes 1116 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 
14438 uid 505
2001-11-15 12:46:02.971122500 starting delivery 110227: msg 217 to local 
2001-11-15 12:46:02.971131500 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
2001-11-15 12:46:03.135685500 delivery 110227: failure: lseek_error_29/lseek_errno=29/
2001-11-15 12:46:03.135696500 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
2001-11-15 12:46:03.139929500 bounce msg 217 qp 14448
2001-11-15 12:46:03.140146500 end msg 217

Any assistance in solving this rather annoying problem is greatly
appreciated.  :)

You only need two items in your toolbox; WD-40 to make things go
and duct tape to make them stop.

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