robmod wrote:
> Hello everybody, 
> we have many oracle instances in archivelog mode. We keep archivelogs for 30 
> days.
> Now we have to backup some oracle instance only with full hot backups with 
> long retention (up to 3 years). As oracle man says redo logs are needed for 
> restore, so we have to change the retention of the archivelogs created during 
> long retention hot backup. 
> How would you backup oracle in this way?

I would suggest that you take a look at as a 
possible reference.  While this pertains mostly to NetBackup, the RMAN 
information on retentions should be independent of the backup product used as 
it resides in the RMAN setup.

>From reading the article, not using RMAN myself as that is relegated to the 
>DBAs, it would seem that you would have to change the retention on all backup 
>in RMAN to support just the yearly backups you need to keep.  

Another way I would suggest that might possibly work is to backup the database 
offline for the yearly backup instead of the hot backup as it should not 
require the archive logs at that point, at least it seems that you would not 
need them with the DB down.

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