Hi All,

Anyone has an idea about the following nbpem messages??

V-116-255 [Scheduler::findNextRun] policy policy_name, client
client_name, stream 0 submission for execution has been delayed because
of failure history

V-116-251 [PolicyClientTask::run] policy policy_name, client
client_name, schedule schedule_name will be submitted for execution at
11/13/2009 9:47:20 AM

Even I applied following technote, one of our policies doesn't start.
I've tried all ways (deleting, creating new one, deleting from

PS: If I change the policy name it starts.. But we have to keep the
original policy name..


Please let me know..

Thanks. Regards.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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