The overwhelming response was to keep the present structure.
However, there were also concerns to keep the chatter down by:
1) encouraging sending thank you to individuals as opposed to the entire group.
2) eliminate "I don't know" replies to the group address
3) reduce the number of replies to the group that are "guesses"
4) if at all possible, provide a reference to your source. IE experience, technote, admin guide etc..
5) stay on topic of the thread
Web based forums were also proposed and Mickey Baker set up a skeleton at
There is a current web based forum available through symantec called the VAN (Veritas Architecture Network)
There is also the old fallback of the peer-to-peer newsgroups

>>> "Bob Stump" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/12/2006 12:10:48 PM >>>
The knowledge and experience level in this group is valuable.
Unfortunately it is also very busy with a single thread growing into multiple replies to all.
Can the volume be cut down by following this simple etiquette?
1) originator posts question
2) participants reply directly to the originator (not reply all)
3) originator collects replies and posts resolution or further enquirers
4) participants reply directly to the originator's additional questions
5) originator posts solution
I have already started following the above described procedure and sent my replies to the originators only.
If just the regularly active members follow this etiquette, then perhaps we can grow into a larger community.
I realize that not all will comply because new members are added every day.
But, very unfortunately there are also members that cancel their subscription due to the high level of activity.

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