Hi List,
       In my configuration, I found the following information:
  #vxdg list mytestdg
  Group:     mytestdg
dgid:      1117663760.1274.my-db1
import-id: 32768.3295
flags:     shared
version:   90
detach-policy: global
copies:    nconfig=default nlog=default
config:    seqno=0.1284 permlen=7489 free=7472 templen=12 loglen=1134
config disk c3t3d0s2 copy 1 len=7489 state=offline failed
       config-tid=0.1176 pending-tid=0.1176
       Error: error=Volume error 0
config disk c4t3d0s2 copy 1 len=7489 state=clean online
log disk c3t3d0s2 copy 1 len=1134
log disk c4t3d0s2 copy 1 len=1134

  Does it mean that one of my configDB is broken ?
  How can I fix it?
  I try to fix it with the "vxdg flush mytestdg" command, but I hope any of you 
could help me to confirm it before I implement it on the live system. Please 
correct me if my solution is not correct. I really need your help...
  And, could you please introduce any document about the configDB to me ?
  All your comments will be very appreciated.... 
  Thanks in advance...

Veritas-vx maillist  -  Veritas-vx@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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