Sweet, and I'm glad to have been part of the swap.
And I know you spent lots of time to get that kind of donations for
the flies, a BIG THANKS to you for both the swap and looking for
donations. In our world of fly fishing and tying we tend to overlook the
less fortunate, not realizing that
Subject: Re: [VFB] update on the fur hair swap auction for foodbank
chuck first of all happy bday and second i know lots of bussines owners
around here in this small town that i live in so yep i went basicly door
to door lol there are lots of people here that like to share and fish an
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 6:52:53 AM
Subject: Re: [VFB] update on the fur hair swap auction for foodbank
Patrick: That's great news... There's just not that much fly fishing around
here or I'd try something like that here. So you just went door t
010 8:11 AM
Subject: [VFB] update on the fur hair swap auction for foodbank
Ok i have been busy with taking the flies around to the local bussiness and
we have autioned off all four sets of flies, just so you know all the monies
that come from these auctions goes directly to the south douglas food bank
Cool, glad to have helped raise funds for the food bank.
-Original Message-
From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com [mailto:vfb-m...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of mystikalra...@frontiernet.net
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 8:12 AM
To: vfb-mail
Subject: [VFB] update on the fur hair swap auction
Ok i have been busy with taking the flies around to the local bussiness and we
have autioned off all four sets of flies, just so you know all the monies that
come from these auctions goes directly to the south douglas food bank and the
total is 358.00 dollars i want to thank you all for particap