Hello All,

My name is John Riske – I'm a long-time subscriber to the video
blogging group, and a first-time poster.  I work for a company called
Swarmcast.  We develop technology to enable the distribution of high
quality video over the Internet.

I've been more-or-less of a lurker in the group, surveying
what's important and of interest to video bloggers.  Much of what
we've gleaned from the conversation has gone into the development of a
new, free offering of ours, called Autobahn HD for Flash.  We launched
it last week, and you can read the  <http://www.swarmcast.com/news>
press release here <http://swarmcast.com/news>  and see the Autobahn HD
for Flash player here <http://swarmcast.com>  .

Autobahn HD for Flash is the first Flash player to feature full-screen
video bolstered by network acceleration and adaptive bitrate streaming,
which protects against rebuffering.  All of this ensures that each
viewer receives the best possible video quality for their Internet

So - what does all this mean for you?  If you're interested in getting
the player source code to modify our player or create your own Flash HD
player, you can email me at john(at)swarmcast(dot)com

If you want to use our player to showcase your high quality video, we
have a bunch resources available at www.getautobahn.com/developers
<http://www.getautobahn.com/developers>  , including instructions on how
to set up your FLVs so that you can take advantage of the adaptive
bitrate streaming and get an embeddable player for your site.

We're very interested in engaging with the online video world at large,
so if you come up with something cool or have any questions or comments,
leave us a note at www.getautobahn.com/developers
<http://www.getautobahn.com/developers>  .

Best Regards,
John Riske

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