Hello everyone - I just wanted to share with you this new vlog I have 
started called "Around Cincinnati"  www.aroundcincinnati.net Basicly 
it is an internet show that highlights some of the cool people, 
places, things and events happening in and around Cincinnati.  Hence 
the catchy title.  I have been wanting to do something like this for 
a while and after some encourgement from Bill over at LoFi St. Louis, 
I deceided to take the plunge.  I am still working on a few things, 
like a neat intro and outro but the first episode is up and ready for 
millions of viewers!  (hey a guy can dream right?)

I am hoping the show will have an "arty" flavor as I plan on focusing 
the show toward the various arts going on, including independent 
film. I have no idea where it will go, I just want to have some fun 
and maybe show you all that I really do like stuff other than Batman!


By the way the new show is Ipod friendly....I hope if someone could 
check that out for me, that would be great!  Thanks again.

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