I send out emails weekly to my list. I'm using an autoresponder
service offered through 1shoppingcart. A person signs up, they get an
automatic email saying "Welcome" and then every week, I send out an
email with updates.

What I'd like to do is have people subscribe - not to some generic
email list - but to my blog/podcast feed. That way, instead of sending
emails to 2 or 3 different lists, I can just have everyone sign up to
my feed. And as I update my blog or podcast, an email goes out weekly
with a list of new stuff posted on my blog.

I'm using Feedburner right now and I have a couple hundred subscribed,
but the features are limited. I can't modify the email template so it
matches my branding. Also, I can't create a welcome email that goes
out automatically once the person signs up.

So, any feed emailing services out there I can use that allows me to:

1. Create an email message that would be independent of the posts that
appear on my blog (eg. a welcome email)

2. Modify the template so it matches my branding.

Lemme know.


Leesa Barnes
Website - http://www.leesabarnes.com
Blog/Podcast - http://podonomics.com
Founder - http://www.sixfigurepodcasting.com
Toll-free - 1-866-324-6344


Follow Leesa's adventures of writing a 250-page manuscript in 60-days
for her new book "Podcasting for Profit" (Maxpress, Fall 2007) at

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