Ditto... In the last month or so my vlog's feedburner stats jumped
from around 200 subscribers to 400 subscribers and I wasn't sure why. 

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I noticed a spike too. My blog at http://puppetvision.blogspot.com gets 
> a minimum of 500 unique visitors each day and yet for the longest time 
> Feedburner claimed I only had 20-30 RSS subscribers which seemed low. I 
> know not everyone uses RSS, but since they changed the algorithm I'm
> at about 130 RSS subscribers which seems more in line with my
traffic stats.
> To be fair, I don't think the problem is Feedburner's fault. Until 
> recently they were not able to pull accurate numbers from many of the 
> popular RSS services like My Yahoo!
> - Andrew

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