Following on with this idea that AIR could be a successor to flash, I
still think that is a bridge too far, but it seems other are
speculating about putting something like AIR inside browsers:

But their main purpose is really so that AJAX etc programmers only
have to target one type of html renderer and javascript interpreter
(webkit), not deal with all the different quirks that exist wit
different browsers (eg site layout not looking quite right on certain

So to be honest at this stage this stuff may be of some itnerest to
web developers, but I cant see anything of particualr interest to
videobloggers at this stage.

Meanwhile Microsoft Silverlight does have some interesting potential,
but it will all come down to what developers actually end up doing
with it. At a minimum, vloggers who want to offer wmv versions of
their videos on their site, will be able to use silverlight to achieve
a much nicer expereince than trying to use windows media plugin. They
wont have to worry about the tech detail much either, just like with
flash, other people will make nice player apps in silverlight and
you'll just need to bung the right files on your site and put a couple
of lines in your html, template or whatever.

I still ahve an obsession for making a player that handles text,
audio, pictures, video and turns them all into a more fluid
experience, in one lovely flash or silverlight object that fills much
of the page. But Im no further at making this happen than I was months
ago, so I shutup about it till Ive actually done something.


Steve Elbows

--- In, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im liking AIR. Its amazing how much nicer web stuff can look when it
> isnt inside a normal browser, and the offline stuff has some
> interesting potential.
> I dont really understand how it can be seen as a replacement for
> flash. It basically enables dhtml, javascript, flash & flex stuff to
> run as if it were a desktop application. So it doesnt replace flash,
> flash is a part of it.
> The only way I could possibly think of it being a flash replacement in
> the future, is if they do an AIR version that runs as a browser
> plugin. So rather than just embedding flash files into a site, you
> could embed .air apps which may contain flash amongst other things,
> and have additional advantages such as offline storage. But the end
> result wouldnt be all that different from existing embedding of flash
> or flex stuff into websites in many cases. And there could be security
> issues as I think AIR allows some accss to local storage, so you
> wouldnt want that to be embedded into any website without it asking
> for approval to run. I suppose if they want to compete with google
> gears in terms of offline functionality within existing browsers, they
> could go down this route at some point, we'll see. 
> So I dunno, Im tempted to think that people calling it a flash
> successor are mistaken, especially as I expect the flash app will
> still be around as the tool to make nice & animated flash content. Its
> not like flex supersedes flash either, it makes use of flash and
> builds upon it for making flash-based apps.
> Id probably be fooling around with AIR at the moment, trying to make a
> video aggregator if it supported formats other than flash for video,
> but as far as I know it doesnt. Im sure some nice apps with video will
> be made in AIR at some point nonetheless, it has some potential but I
> dont think it does anything that couldnt already be achieved using
> other technology, with wider choice of formats. Its probably most
> interesting to people who have development skills with various web
> technologies, but little desktop programming experience, who can now
> write desktop apps using their existing skillset.
> This is my favorite AIR app so far, not the sexiest, but so darn
> useful and very streamlined in terms of keeping things simple, and how
> quickly and intuitively you can operate it. This particular app It
> doesnt use flex or flash stuff at all:
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows
> --- In, "bordercollieaustralianshepherd"
> <bordercollieaustralianshepherd@> wrote:
> >
> > Just ran across an article
> <
> > flash-successor-air/> and a similar mention that AIR may replace
> flash on another board.
> > 
> > About the AIR (formally Apollo) from Adobe.
> > <>
> > 
> > Examples:
> > <>
> > 
> > On Tour:
> > <>
> > 
> > Downloads:
> > <>
> > <>
> >

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