Hey Taylor,

It's Mike from blip.  I'm sorry you've had trouble with our HTML editor!  Some of what
follows is a little technical, and I apologize for that!

We use the built-in rich text editor that ships with Web browsers to make it easy for our
users to write HTML without having to actually know HTML.  When we can't find that built-
in editor we use just a regular text field.  In your case, I think you're using Safari on OS X
10.4 Tiger, which is the first version Apple shipped a rich text editor with.  So in your case,
using Safari, the cursor flipouts are caused by a native Safari component written by Apple. 
Don't get me wrong, though.  It's still our problem and we'll still work to fix it.

I think that with blip, like with Blogger, you may have better luck editing HTML with
Firefox.  But we do make the effort to support it on Safari, and I can promise that it'll only
get better.

I'm really happy that you like our overall set-up, and I hope you'll bear with us as we work
to support as many browsers and environments as possible in as rich a way as possible.

If you have any other issues with blip, or if this one really gets your goat, please e-mail me
directly and we'll work to make sure you're happy.  You can also IM me on the AOL instant
messenger network as "mikehudack" if you get stuck or anything or even just want to chat.


blip.tv (beta) ;-)

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Kunga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They are both squirley. I have to use FireFox to edit HTML in my 
> Blogger brand blogs. But I think Safari is faster. Sometimes things 
> work in one and not the other. Sometimes the HTML code of the new 
> sites is not behaving properly. This is particularly true at Blip.tv 
> (beta) - they don't call it Beta for nothin' - and at ourmedia.org 
> where the graphics and buttons plain outright never appear in one or 
> the other but htey don't call it beta - cause it's more like Alpha 
> over there.
> The Blip.tv html editor is so bad I had to stop going there. Too many 
> random curser flip outs. I'm giving them a week to get their act 
> together. Then I'll try again. I like their overall setup. But not 
> the html wild wild text.

Individual Fireant Explains


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