hey everyone!

     so I'm writing this paper for my class *Civilization and its
Discontents* about the new wave of politics that surround online video, like
the racial incident with Loren Feldman back in August, Michael Verdi being
attacked unjustly about his parenting skills, Sandra Soroka possibly hoaxing
a hacking to get people off her back for breaking up with her boyfriend via
facebook, etc.
     so I wanted to get a few words about any of those incidents or others
from you guys for my paper, addressing your goals and motives with online
video, where you think it's heading and where you think it should be
heading, what you would change about it, what kind of culture is this wave
of "collective art" cultivating (good and bad), what your ideas are on
public perception vs creation on account of online media, all in addition to
anything else you'd like to add.

I'll be writing all Monday so the more responses by the end of the day, the
Thanks guys!

Brian Gonzalez

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