Hey guys, haven't had the time to actually sit down to make a vlog 
post about this yet; things have been really crazy for the past 
couple days.

So... you know how people sometimes joke around about how the FBI 
probably has a file on them, well, I think I can be pretty certain at 
this point. Perhaps not for my political beliefs, but certainly as a 
potential witness in an investigation. This past Thursday, the FBI 
showed up at my house... seeing as the URL for my blog is http://
nogovernment.us -- when I see the badge, I'm hoping they're here 
about that Metallica CD I downloaded off Napster back in 1999...

Nope, they want to talk about what I witnessed at the protest last 
week. What protest you ask? Well, last Friday there was a protest in 
San Francisco and during the protest an officer an officer ended up 
injured. I didn't witness the actual incident, so I won't discuss 
exactly what happened. But, my video was of interest to the FBI. How 
did the FBI come across my video? Well, they probably just found it 
when they turned on the local news as several local news stations 
decided it'd be fun to use my video without consulting me first about 
obtaining the rights. Fortunately, after sending a bill to all the 
stations that had been using my footage most have complied or settled 
for an amount I felt was reasonable. I hadn't heard back from the 
local FOX affiliate until tonight, but they just dropped me a note 
saying they're trying to figure out how to proceed... David: 3, 
Goliath: maybe 1!

So, the great part of all of this is that we now have some seed money 
to prepare to launch for the not-for-profit, Rise Up! Network (RUN); 
soon to be 503(c), I helped to start the project a few months ago 
with a number of people including Renegade Rene and Michael Verdi as 
well as others. Zadi has also expressed some interest in making this 
happen.  Anyhow was wondering if any of you are interested in hearing 
more and possibly getting involved in helping make this happen. Write 
to me for more details and check out this interview on SFist



PS - Videoblog entry about all this coming soon!


"Don't hate the media, become the media."- Jello Biafra


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