---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: lawgeek

FYI, you might want to also point out to people that if someone sends a
copyright takedown to YouTube over your video, you can always
"counternotice" to YouTube that it is a fair use and it will go back up
within 10-14 business days unless the copyright owner sues you.

While being sued is certainly a risk people shouldn't take lightly, in weak
cases like this one against John, the chances are pretty slim that they will
actually take you to court.

On Dec 23, 2007 10:01 PM, Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Date: Dec 22, 2007 11:41 AM
> Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Copyright and fair use...
> To:
>   > John it is fair use do not worry google "lawgeek" and read his post on
> > lane hartwell
> I did it for you:
> Its a good post. Jason points out that the real issue isnt what law is
> being
> broken, but what are the *ethics* that we want to see online.
> Ethics, on the other hand, might just be the right hammer for this nail.
> > Ethical behavior is behavior that leads to the "greater good." It goes
> > beyond the mere moral choices of right or wrong and deals with the
> broader
> > question of the correct choice for society as a whole. If we, as an
> online
> > society, want people like Lane to succeed in their work, to be
> successful
> > and profitable photographers, we need to take care to promote them in a
> way
> > that feels respectful and supportive. We need to make sure they succeed
> so
> > that they will continue to provide us with amazing photos and make them
> > available online. Equally, if we want people like TRS to be able to make
> > funny videos about the Bubble quickly and easily so everyone online can
> > enjoy them, we must take care to allow creative uses of material without
> > imposing draconian requirements before publication.
> >
> > So what is the right ethical balance? Well, I'm no Internet ethicist, of
> > course, so I can 't really say what the proper ethical outcome should be
> for
> > this or other similar situations. However, for me, the idea of
> attribution
> > and promotion have strong appeal. They respect who the artist is and try
> to
> > help them thrive in their work. I also think ethical online users should
> > consider tithing any financial gain from the use of other people's works
> > back to the original creator -- in essence voluntarily offer to
> post-date
> > royalties if the project amounts to anything profitable. Such steps
> would,
> > IMO, go a long way to building a stronger online creative community
> rather
> > than tearing it down or apart.
> >
> John is having fun with that woman's work and giving her proper linkback.
> he's playing with another member of a video community and not financially
> profiting off it.
> he even contacted them about using their work.
> I think about how the Simpsons recently parodied the guy who took pictures
> of himself everyday:
> I think it's totally parody, but what sucks is they didnt talk to the
> person
> who made the music, or give any credit at the end of the show.
> it's more about their ethics in reusing work than about whether they broke
> copyright or not.
> I bet if they called the web creators had said, hey, we're going to have
> some fun with your work and give you a big fat credit at the end of the
> show" ....then everyone would have been happy.
> By the way, that Simpsons clip got taken off of Youtube, not because the
> web
> creators complained, but because Fox didnt want the Simpson clip on
> Youtube.
> *
> *that's funny. oh, the irony.
> Jay
> --
> 917 371 6790
> Video:
> Twitter:
> Photos:
> RSS:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --


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