**Apologies for Cross Postings**

*CIP 2012 Biennial Symposium June 6-8, 2012*

*at the Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD*

*Early Bird Registration ends May 11!*

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Don’t forget to register for the best symposium program we have ever had!

Program schedule is available on the CIP website www.umuc.edu/cip2012

*PRESYMPOSIUM SEMINARS*—*June 6*: *You will have the choice between 2
workshops offered throughout the day.  Three-hour workshops include:*

•*Copyright 101 *- Nancy Sims, Copyright Program Librarian, University of
Minnesota: This interactive session will provide you with some solid
foundational knowledge in copyright, as well as help you build confidence
in addressing complex copyright issues in ways that will work well for your

•*Policy Creation and Revision* - Steve McDonald, General Counsel at Rhode
Island.   Institutional Copyright Policies:  Who, How, What, and Why?
Copyright law is increasingly important to colleges and universities, which
are among both the biggest creators and the biggest users of copyrights at
a time when copyright is itself increasingly important to our nation’s
economy.  But at the same time, copyright law is little known or understood
on our campuses, and its default provisions frequently are at odds with our
practices.  The unfortunate results of this lack of knowledge and attention
can include lost opportunities, internal misunderstandings and conflict,
and litigation.   To a significant degree, such problems can – and should –
be addressed through the development and implementation of institutional
policies.  This practical workshop will focus on the who, how, what, and
why of doing so, from both an ownership and a use perspective.

*SPEAKERS:* *We have dynamic speakers and panelists this year!*  Keynote
speakers: Lawrence Lessig, Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at
Harvard University, IP Scholar and author will be the opening keynote on
June 6!  Peggy Hoon,  Scholarly Communications Librarian for the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) and UMUC's IP Scholar and Karyn
Temple Claggett, Senior Counsel  for Policy and International Affairs at
the US Copyright Office will present keynote addresses on June 7 and 8.
Session Speakers:  Brandon Butler, Director of Policy Initiatives at the
Association of Research Librarians (ARL), Donna Ferullo, Director of
University Copyright Office, Purdue University,  Katie Fortney, Librarian,
University of California, Santa Cruz, Carla Meyers, Assistant Professor and
Access Librarian, University of Colorado-Colorado Spring,  Paul Dobbs,
Library Director, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Anne Gilliland,
Assistant Professor, Department of Library & IS, UCLA,  Martin Brennan,
Copyright and Licensing Librarian, University of Illinois at
Champaign/Urbana,  Joan Cheverie, Policy Specialist, EDUCAUSE, and Stephen,
Marvin, Campus Copyright Coordinator, West Chester University FH Green

Check out the schedule and bios of the speakers on www.umuc.edu/cip2012.

*CAREER FAIR:* We still have some employer spaces available for the
symposium career fair.   Please
the Career Fair
www.umuc.edu/cip2012 or contact Camille Walker at (240) 684-2964.

Camille Walker

Assistant Director of Development and Outreach

Center For Intellectual Property

University of Maryland University College

(240) 684-2964 office

(240) 684-2961 fax

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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