Please pass this non-profit educational program announcement on to your 
colleagues. Also, please excuse any duplication of this notice. Thank you. 

The next Online copyright course:

        Crayons, Computers, and Copyright: Making Sense of Copyright 
Opportunities in K-12 Teaching.
        Dates: October 4-15, 2010. 
        Instructor: Dwayne Buttler, J.D.

Description: Copyright is many things to many people. Some loathe it, some love 
it, some tolerate it, all have to manage it. Copyright plays a central role in 
K-12 education, but confusion about the law thrives in myths and 
misunderstandings surrounding how it works. Managing copyright and meeting the 
needs of students is, well, manageable with an understanding of some basic 
principles and practical applications. "Copyright IS ?" ... will serve as the 
broad foundation for this course. Discussion will concentrate on learning some 
introductory principles, identifying the role of copyright in K-12 and 
education generally, and demystifying copyright for use in the classroom and 

For more details on this course, please see-
View the complete 2010-2011 Course Line-up at
Need more time or assistance? Please contact us at 240-582-2803 or

Share the Benefits.

Did you know that all employees of institutional members of the CIP Member 
Community get 20% discounts on educational programming? For $500 a year, your 
colleagues, teachers, and you can enjoy these discounts along with other 
benefits like access to our on-going Community Conversation Series; free to all 
members. Visit our institutional membership page for more details-

Olga Francois, Assistant Director
Center for Intellectual Property
University of Maryland University College
3501 University Blvd. East, PGM3-780
Adelphi, MD 20783
Phone: 240-582-2803
Fax:   240-582-2961

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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