Hi all,

In merging Philippe's changes to bring PyViennaCL up to date with
ViennaCL master, I've noticed that the removal of the layout parameter
from the matrix_base<> template (but not the matrix<> template) is
causing a bit of trouble. Previously I would down-cast (for example)
matrix_slice<matrix<> > to matrix_slice<matrix_base<> >, because
otherwise we would get a proliferation of classes that would each look
incompatible to Python, such as

  matrix_slice<matrix<> >,
  matrix_slice<matrix_slice<matrix> > >,
  matrix_slice<matrix_slice<matrix_slice<matrix> > > >,

and so on.

Now, since the layout parameter has gone, this down-casting has become
problematic, because it now loses some type information. One consequence
of this seems to be that some operations (in their current form) don't
work right. For instance, when adding a matrix_slice<matrix_base<> > to
a matrix<> of the same size, where the matrix_slice<matrix_base<> > has
been down-cast from matrix_slice<matrix_slice<matrix<> > >, all the
elements except those on the diagonal are incorrect.

Of course, I can test the layout using matrix_base<>::row_major(), but
unless I do some hacky reinterpret_cast-ing, I don't see how I can use
this to stop the class proliferation above. And, naturally, the same
applies to matrix_range<>.

I've got a couple of thoughts. Firstly, is the layout parameter also
going away for matrix<>, or are we keeping it for compatibility reasons?
Secondly, what is to be done? Ideally, from my perspective, the
down-casting would continue to work. I'm not sure what would need to be
changed in the core for this to be the case, and I can't prioritise
investigating it because I've still got to catch up my GSoC schedule!
(Exams only finished on the 11th.)

Right now, I'll leave things as follows. I'll wrap
matrix_slice<matrix<>>, rather than matrix_slice<matrix_base<> >, and
leave taking slices of slices unsupported. I'm slightly uncomfortable
about this, not least because it leaves a regression in my test suite,
but it'll enable me to continue with the more urgent work.

Any ideas?



Toby St Clere Smithe

HPCC Systems Open Source Big Data Platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions
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