Re: [Vietlug] How to configure naming resolution samba file server on Fedora?

2004-07-31 Hội thoại pclouds
On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 06:33:56PM +0700, Nhan Thanh Le wrote: username password. Khi em muo^'n ping mo^.t ma'y na`o do' ba(`ng te^n thi` no' lai kho^ng tha^'y. Co^ng ty em la.i xa`i DHCP server ne^n la.i kho^ng the^? khai ba'o tu*`ng te^n IP address of mo^~i ma'y con va`o file hosts duoc.

Re: [Vietlug] YOper an tuong that day cac bac a !

2004-07-31 Hội thoại maikhai
On Saturday 31 July 2004 12:08 pm, Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote: YOS no' ca`i ta^'t va`o / (dde^? de^~ vie^'t chu+o+ng tri`nh ca`i dda(.t a^'y ma`) Ne^'u kho^ng muo^'n the^? thi`: fdisk, mkfs.. dde^? ta.o the^m partition va` fs mo+'i, sau ddo' mount ta.m nhu+~ng ca'i ddo' va`o dda^u ddo'

Re: [Vietlug] YOper an tuong that day cac bac a !

2004-07-31 Hội thoại Nguyen Thanh Bien
On Saturday 31 July 2004 14:30, maikhai wrote: Ca`i le^n HDD, df ba'o : 1667284 (cu~ng co' va`i file mo+'i download) the^' la` qua' nhie^`u pha?i kho^ng? Do ca'i gi` thu+`a? Cha'u kho^ng ro~ y' ba'c, va` cu~ng kho^ng ro~ con so^' kia la` gi`, ba'c pha?i cho ra dda^`y ddu? ca'i output cu?a df

Re: [Vietlug] YOper an tuong that day cac bac a !

2004-07-31 Hội thoại maikhai
On Saturday 31 July 2004 3:57 pm, Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote: On Saturday 31 July 2004 14:30, maikhai wrote: Ca`i le^n HDD, df ba'o : 1667284 (cu~ng co' va`i file mo+'i download) Xin lo^~i. La` 1667MB the^' la` qua' nhie^`u pha?i kho^ng? Do ca'i gi` thu+`a? La`m o+n gia?ng cho tha^'p to^'i

Re: [Vietlug] X-UniKey :: Chay. to^'t nhu+ng nhie^`u khi bi. lo^~

2004-07-31 Hội thoại Pham Kim Long
On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Ky Anh wrote: On Thursday 29 July 2004 09:16, Pham Kim Long wrote: On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Ky Anh wrote: - Va^'n de^` em ga(.p la.i (sau mo^.t ho^`i du`ng UniKey trong mo^.t phie^n la`m vie^.c == session) la`: x-unikey gu+?i qua' nhie^`u phi'm BackSpace, khie^'n cho

Re: [Vietlug] YOper an tuong that day cac bac a !

2004-07-31 Hội thoại maikhai
On Saturday 31 July 2004 12:08, Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote: Ne^'u kho^ng muo^'n the^? thi`: fdisk, mkfs.. dde^? ta.o the^m partition va` fs mo+'i, sau ddo' mount ta.m nhu+~ng ca'i ddo' va`o dda^u ddo' (/mnt/tmpusr, /mnt/tmpvar...) Ro^`i nha('m ma('t: cp -rp /usr /mnt/tmpusr cp -rp /var

Re: [Vietlug] YOper an tuong that day cac bac a !

2004-07-31 Hội thoại maikhai
Hi Nguyen Thanh Bien! To'm la.i, make sure la` ba'c co' ca'i file /etc/apt/source.list nhu+ sau: rpm version2 os rpm contrib os rpm-src version2 os rpm-src

[Vietlug] HOWTO enable DMA cho may cai dev nay?

2004-07-31 Hội thoại maikhai
Hi ca'c ba.n! No' ba?o absolutely NO DMA thi` la`m sao cho co' ba^y gio+`? (to^i ca('m: - Primary band == HDD + CDrom - Secondary band == DVD + CDwriter ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] yos # cdrecord -scanbus dev=ATAPI Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a32 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jg

Re: [Vietlug] How to read .mo file?

2004-07-31 Hội thoại Viet Hung
Progfou wrote: Em muo^'n du`ng file la.i file .mo tre^n platform kho^ng support gettext function. Vi` va^.y muo^'n ti`m source na`o nho? go.n dde^? ddo.c file mo nhu+ gettext function. gettext la` mo^.t ca'i pha^`n me^`m tu+. do cu?a GNU Project. Thi` mo+`i Ba.n download gettext va` ca`i