Re: [Vietlug] Khong cai duoc debian install

2004-06-02 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 03 juin 2004 Ã 10h17 (+0700), Long Tran Ãcrivait : > Hom truoc em len debian thi thay co the down mini CD iso de cai ban sid > qua network nhung khong hieu sao khi cai GRUB hoac LILO vao MBR thi no > nhat dinh khong chiu. Buon qua Anh dda~ du`ng netinst pha?i kho^ng ? Hoa.c businesscard

Re: [Vietlug] bash $PS1, $HOSTNAME

2004-07-15 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 15 juillet 2004 Ã 11h04 (+0100), Quy NGUYEN DAI Ãcrivait : > Tho^ng thu+o+ng la trong khi setup ca'c tho^ng so^' cho NIC ... Co' the^? ti`m trong boot scripts : grep -r hostname /etc/init.d Bi`nh thu+o+`ng pha?i bo^? te^n trong /etc/hostname -- J.C. "" ANDRÃ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as

Re: [Vietlug] [mutt] thay ddo^?i from: field tu`y theo to: field

2004-07-18 Thread Progfou
Le dimanche 18 juillet 2004 Ã 19h08 (+0700), pclouds Ãcrivait : > Ca'c ba'c cho ho?i co' ca'ch na`o chi?nh mutt dde^? no' tu+. ddo^.ng > du`ng From: field la` abc ddo^'i vo+'i nhu+~ng mail mi`nh gu+?i dde^'n > xyz va` From: la` def ddo^'i vo+'i nhu+~ng mail co`n la.i ko a. ? Co' the^? la`m nhu+ va

Re: [Vietlug] Ve mot cau Tra loi cua Bill Gates

2004-07-19 Thread Progfou
Mo+`i ca'c Ba.n ddo.c ca'c tra? lo+`i cho Micro$oft tre^n dda^y : Halloween so^' 11 mo+'i ra nga`y 22 tha'ng 6 : Micro$oft so+. GNU/Linux nhie^`u la(m ro`i... ;-) -- J.C. "" ANDRÃ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [Vietlug] Ca`i Qt tre^n Debian

2004-07-21 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 21 juillet 2004 Ã 13h57 (-0500), Larry Nguyen Ãcrivait : > Co' ba'c na`o bie^'t ca^u tra? lo+`i giu'p du`m ba.n na`y. > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/data# dpkg -i qt3-apps-dev_3.1.2-Owoody_alpha.deb > dpkg: error processing qt3-apps-de

Re: [Vietlug] Debian 3.0 r2 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

2004-07-27 Thread Progfou
Le mardi 27 juillet 2004 Ã 17h38 (+0700), pclouds Ãcrivait : > > Toi ca`i Deb 3.0 r2 co'p cu?a tha^`y Tha`nh (ca`i vo^ 930560kb), > > cha.y startx kho^ng ddu+o+.c, Co' va^'n dde^` gi` ? > [gia? ddi.nh mo.i distro dde^`u xa`i X nhu+ nhau] Vo+'i Debian du`ng "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" la`

Re: [Vietlug] apt-get cua Debian la cai nay . . .

2004-07-28 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 28 juillet 2004 Ã 18h10 (-0400), [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ãcrivait : > Cha.y # apt-get install mc cha(?ng ha.n, > tu+'c la` cha.y > dpkg nhu+~ng file /xxx/m/mc/*.deb > co' pha?i kho^ng? Kho^ng ! O+? tro^ng /pool/.../mc/ co' ta^'t ca? phie^n ba?n cu?a pha^`n me^`m na`y cho Woody (stable), Sar

Re: [Vietlug] apt-get cua Debian la cai nay . . .

2004-07-29 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 29 juillet 2004 Ã 06h15 (-0400), [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ãcrivait : > To^i chi? bie^'i apt-get la` mo^.t ca'i gi` gio^ng gio^'ng rpm trong RH, Tha^.t la` : "dpkg" gio^'ng "rpm", va "apt" (Debian) gio^'ng "urpmi" (Mandrake) hoa.c "yum" (Fedora). Du`ng "dpkg" hoa.c "rpm" dde^? ca`i mo^.t package

Re: [Vietlug] (OT) Co' ai bie^'t ti`m ma^'y ca'i apps ve^` video camera security o+? dda^u kho^ng?

2004-07-29 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 29 juillet 2004 Ã 03h10 (-0700), Oanh Pham Ãcrivait : > Tui co' ngu+o+`i ba.n nho+` ti`m du`m ma^'y ca'i apps > ve^`video camera security system. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search video security camstream - Collection of tools for webcams and other video-devices [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$

Re: [Vietlug] How to read .mo file?

2004-07-30 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 30 juillet 2004 Ã 03h33 (-0700), Viet Hung Ãcrivait : > Co' tool na`o dde^? ddo.c mo^.t file .mo kho^ng va^.y? gettext ! ;-) Co' the^? du+`ng nhu+ va^.y : TEXTDOMAINDIR=/home/me/locale LANG=vi_VN.UTF-8 gettext myprog 'Hello!' (nhu+ng pha?i co' /home/me/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/myprog.m

Re: [Vietlug] Apache

2004-08-11 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 11 aoÃt 2004 Ã 14h31 (+0700), Ky Anh Ãcrivait : > Em ca`i apache server theo ma(.c ddi.nh, ko^ chi?nh su+? chi he^'t. > Gio+` muo^'n co' the^? lie^.t ke^ ta^.p tin, vi' du. trong > /home/kyanh/puplic_html/ > (= go.i ) thi` la`m sao\? Ba.n dda~ mo+? access

Re: [Vietlug] unformat ext3

2004-08-13 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 13 aoÃt 2004 Ã 12h36 (+0700), Lu Tan Hoa Ãcrivait : > Em lo+? tay format ca'i ext3 partition trong lu'c ca`i mo^.t > distro mo+'i\. Ma^'y tools be^n windows dde^`u cha`o thua > he^'t. Ca'c ba'c cu+u em vo+'i, ne^'u ma^'t he^'t data thi` > cha('c em theo DDu+o+`ng Ta(ng ddi Ta^y Tru'c

Re: [Vietlug] How to open file .tar.uu extension?

2004-08-19 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 20 aoÃt 2004 Ã 09h38 (+0700), Nhan Thanh Le Ãcrivait : > em co' nha.^n mo^.t disk tu*` mo^.t ngu*o*`i ba.n toa`n bo^. file > extension la` .tar.uu. Xin ca'c ba'c chi? giup du`m em la`m ca'ch na`o > mo mot file .tar.uu. va` file do' cu?a chu*o*ng tri`nh na`o ta.o ne^n. .uu co' the^? la`

Re: [Vietlug] How to open file .tar.uu extension?

2004-08-19 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 20 aoÃt 2004 Ã 10h10 (+0700), Nhan Thanh Le Ãcrivait : > -bash: uudecode: command not found, ti`m package de run command na`y o > dau hoac co' pha?i do' la` mot package default in Linux system khong? Te^n cu?a package la` "sharutils". -- J.C. "" ANDRÃ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asie-paci

Re: [Vietlug] File *log* co' ki'ch thuo'c qua' lo'n

2004-08-20 Thread Progfou
Mo+`i Ba.n xem package "logrotate". Co^ng cu. na`y cu~ng co' the^? compress log files theo tho+`i gian Ba.n muo^'n. -- J.C. "" ANDRà <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Responsable technique rÃgional / Associà technologie projet Reflets (CODA) Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (Au

Re: [Vietlug] Debian user chu y!

2004-08-25 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 25 aoÃt 2004 Ã 22h28 (-0400), [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ãcrivait : > Knoppix 3.6 da'm no'i no' co' ca'i ngon ho+n Debian ddo' ca'c ba.n o+i. > Doc trong distrowatch: Debian cu? ho+n hai na(m ro`i, vi` vo+'i Debian stability pha?i nha^'t ! Mo.i ngu+o+`i ti'ch Debian dda(ng do+`i Debian "Sarge"

Re: [Vietlug] Cau tra loi cho Deb nay co dung voi Kanotix khong?

2004-09-06 Thread Progfou
Le dimanche 05 septembre 2004 Ã 19h11 (-0400), maikhai Ãcrivait : > Kanotix (based on Deb) mi`nh add ma^'y do`ng exoprt LANG= va` LD_PRELOAD=, > sao no' kho^ng co' ta'c mo.i lu'c mo.i no+i, cu+' pha?i go.i xvnkb > va` kmail tu+` console mo+'i go~ chu+~ Vie^.t ddu+o+.c? xvnkb la` pha^`n me^

Re: [Vietlug] Cau tra loi cho Deb nay co dung voi Kanotix khong?

2004-09-07 Thread Progfou
Le mardi 07 septembre 2004 Ã 12h45 (-0400), maikhai Ãcrivait : > Ca'm o+n dda~ nha('c vo+?. To^i que^n la^~n ca'i na`y ca'i no. ro^`i. > DDu'ng la` Slackware thi` pha? add va`o ~/,xinitrc. Ca'c distrib (Debian, Slackware, Red Hat, ...) cu~ng the^' nhu+ng ca'y na`y se~ ddu+o+.c cho mo^.t ngu+o+`i

Re: [Vietlug] How to unzip file .bz2

2004-09-07 Thread Progfou
Le mardi 07 septembre 2004 Ã 17h58 (+0700), Nhan Thanh Le Ãcrivait : > Cac bac cho em hoi la`m cach na`o unzip file .bz2, Co' can install them > package gi` khong. Em dang xai fedora core 2. Cam on cac bac nhieu. file.bz2 => bunzip2 file.bz2 file.tar.bz2 => tar xfj file.tar.bz2 -- J.C. "" AN

Re: [Vietlug] How to unzip file .bz2

2004-09-08 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 08 septembre 2004 à 16h59 (+0700), Dinh Duong Ha Ãcrivait : > >Trong tru+o+`ng ho+.p na`o ma` tham so^' j ko cha.y ? Version cu?a tar ? > Trong tru+o+`ng ho+.p du`ng Solaris cha(?ng ha.n. Thà dÃng "bzip2 -dc file.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -"... Hoác Äi website nÃy :

Re: [Vietlug] MPlayer cho Debian

2004-10-01 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 01 octobre 2004 Ã 13h47 (+0700), [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ãcrivait : > Ba` con cha.y Debian woody ma` muo^'n cha.y ddu+o+.c Mplayer (xem phim, > hinh) thi` co' mo^.t so^' links sau: > hu+o+'ng da^~n ta.o go'i .deb > dde^? xem ddu+o+.c Quicktime, AVI,

Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de share net trong linux ?

2004-10-27 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 28 octobre 2004 Ã 10h56 (-0400), Tran Vu Hung Ãcrivait : > la`m gi` ma` ra('c ro^'i va^.y ba.n. > da^u ca`n pha?i to+'i ip table, du`ng dhcp dde^? ca^'p ip, du`ng squid > dde^? da.t range connect internet la` ddu+.oc ro^`i\. ddo+n gia?n > nhie^`u so vo+'i du`ng ip table, forward la(`ng

Re: [Vietlug] cdrecord kho^ng nha^.n cd-rw drive

2004-10-28 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 28 octobre 2004 Ã 16h54 (+0900), Bit Takeshi Ãcrivait : > Ma'y em co' hai o^? CD-ROM, o^? thu+' hai co' ghi ro~ o+? > ngoa`i la` rewritable, a^'y the^' ma` khi cdrecord scanbus > thi` bi. nhu+ sau. Hie^? nhie^n cu~ng kho^ng burn dduo+.c > cd na`o. > > Mandrake 10.0 default installation, >

Re: [Vietlug] pam_smbpass

2004-11-04 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 05 novembre 2004 Ã 21h16 (+0700), Cao Van Khanh Ãcrivait : > Ca'c anh o+i , mo^.t va^'n dde^` em hie^.n nay ddang ma('c pha?i la` du`ng > samba la`m file server tre^n linux . Va^'n dde^` la` password cu?a samba > la.i kha'c vo+'i password cu?a he^. Tho^'ng , vi` va^.y ngu+o+`i du`ng mo^

Re: [Vietlug] pam_smbpass

2004-11-04 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 05 novembre 2004 Ã 21h16 (+0700), Cao Van Khanh Ãcrivait : > Hie^.n nay em dda~ ho?i ddc mo^.t phu+o+ng pha'p la` du`ng pam_smbpass , tuy > nhie^n va^~n chu+a bie^'t ca'ch xa`i . Va^.y em vie^'t thu+ na`y dde^? Ai > chu+a bie^'t thi` se~ bie^'t , ai bie^'t ro^`i thi` chi? Ho^. Em ca'ch

Re: [Vietlug] Capture packets, chuong trinh nao tot?

2004-11-08 Thread Progfou
Le lundi 08 novembre 2004 Ã 22h35 (-0800), Viet Hung Ãcrivait : > Em bie^'t tcpdump la` 1 tie^.n i'ch ra^'t to^'t dde^? capture > packets, nhu+ng sao tha^'y kho' su+? qua' ... Ba.n muo^'n "capture" hoa.c nhi`n thoi ? > Kho^ng bie^'t co`n co' chu+o+ng tri`nh na`o la`m vie^.c na`y > to^'t ho+

Re: [Vietlug] Ho?i chu't ve^` samba

2004-11-09 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 10 novembre 2004 Ã 18h12 (+0700), Cao Van Khanh Ãcrivait : > Ca'c anh o+i , gia? Su+? Mo^.t ma'y A mang ddi.a chi? > chia se? samba thu+ mu.c te^n la` shared . > O+? ma'y em , la`m sao co' the^? Mount thu+ mu.c shared tre^n ma'y A > va`o thu+ mu.c /mnt/shareon_A a. ? Xem

Re: [Vietlug] ho?i ve^` postfix

2004-11-16 Thread Progfou
Le mercredi 17 novembre 2004 Ã 19h16 (+0700), Cao Van Khanh Ãcrivait : > Em dda~ ca`i dda(.t xong postfix theo hu+o+'ng da^~n trong > > khi start postfix thi` no' cha.y fe fe' , ba^y gio+` em muo^'n ddie^`u > khie^?n no' gu+?i mail va`o ho`m thu+ cu?a em thi` la

Re: [Vietlug] Debian's Newbie

2004-11-18 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 18 novembre 2004 Ã 13h22 (+0100), [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ãcrivait : > Em muo^'n co' mo^.t distro: > * stable Stable la` te^n so^' hai cu?a Debian ! ;-) Vo+'i Debian co' 4 loa.i distro (phie^n ba?n) co' the^? du`ng. Vi` nghi~ pha^`n me^`m tu. do cu~ng la` tu. do du`ng ca'i na`o. Debian "stabl

[Vietlug] [OT] to bug or not to bug... ;)

2004-11-18 Thread Progfou
Le jeudi 18 novembre 2004 Ã 07h43 (-0800), Dao Hai Lam Ãcrivait : > > Debian "testing" la` mo^.t distro se~ la` next stable sao khi ca'c > > pha^`n me^`m trong ddo' cha.y to^'t he^'t (pha?i he^'t ca'c bug). > > Xin lo^~i Andre, to^i ho+i "cho.c ngoa'y" ti' chu't, nhu+ng tha^.t su+. > la` co' the^?

Re: [Vietlug] Fwd: Bac co biet cho nao co CD ve lap trinh C tren Linux ko? Chi gium voi.

2004-11-18 Thread Progfou
Le vendredi 19 novembre 2004 Ã 13h02 (+0700), mkh Ãcrivait : > Ba^y gio+` tui bi. ho?i to+'i ca'i na`y ro^`i hehe! > Ai bie^'t la`m o+n tie^'p su+'c ddi :-) > -- Forwarded Message -- > Bac co biet cho nao co CD ve lap trinh C tren Linux ko? Chi gium voi. Uh? DDa^y co' the^? la` n

[Vietlug] ti`m vie^.c ve^` Linux : the^? na`o la`m GURU ddu+o+.c ?

2004-11-18 Thread Progfou
[DDang no'i chuye^.n ve^`] Le vendredi 19 novembre 2004 Ã 09h16 (+), Live Eval Default User Ãcrivait : > Nguoi ta ti`m la` ti`m mo^t GURU kia, chu co tim tum lum ta la dau. Kho^ng pha?i GURU dda^u ! O+? be^n Cha^u A^u dda^y la` ye^u ca^`u bi`nh thu+o

Re: [Vietlug] Re: Debian+Mailscanner+Exim4+ClamAV+Spamassasin

2004-11-22 Thread Progfou
Le samedi 20 novembre 2004 Ã 15h50 (+0700), Nguyen Tan Khoa Ãcrivait : > Ta.i sao ba.n kho^ng thu+? ke^'t ho+.p ca'c mo'n sau: > 1. debian > 2. qmail (hay qmail-ldap) Mo+`i Ba.n xem dda^y dde^? bie^'t : Qmail kho^ng to^'t he^'t, k