FWIW: I tried converting the gpx files from WGS84 to NAD27 and
using the geotiffs with those tracks under viking.  That still
didn't work, even though the gpx transforms looked correct.

I have the gpsbabel scripts I used for that if any one is interested.
Basically one has to use gpsbabel to convert to unicsv and then
make a new unicsv with the datum transform then conver the unicsv
back to gpx.

So, next I tried converting the World File (tfw) for the geotiff
from NAD27 to WGS84.  That seems to work.

I wrote a script that will generate the tfw from the tif in place with a
_WGS.tfw" extension.  It is attached if anyone is interested in
using geotiffs with viking (and no proj4/gdal support in viking).
You may have to edit the proj4 options to reflect the area
you are concerned with. The parameters I used are for my area.

     Harry McGavran

Attachment: vikingtfw.sh
Description: vikingtfw.sh

Harry G. McGavran, Jr.

E-mail: w5...@w5pny.com

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