trimming would most naturally begin, rather
than to facilitate top-posting. Perhaps it's the default "deletion
point" instead of the default "insertion point" :-)
Michael Henry
wants to talk futher about it. Thanks.
I continue to be impressed by the Vim mailing list. Contributors are
helpful, willing to spend time answering in detail, and above all very
polite. This is one of the nicest "top- versus bottom-posting"
discussions I've seen on a mailing list :-)
Michael Henry
es past the save (which generally pleases me greatly, but
is unfortunate in this case :-)).
I searched for "replace undo" in Vim's plugins and tips, but came up
empty. Does anyone have a pointer to a plugin or other resource to allow
blind undoing of multi-file replace operations?
Michael Henry
linda.s wrote:
On 5/7/07, Michael Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Try this in your .gvimrc:
set columns=78
I set columns=78 but when I opened vim editor, I found the editor's
column size to be 70. Why?
Are you using a console version (text-mode only, typically invoked
lines will be broken at whitespace).
Try this in your .gvimrc:
set columns=78
Michael Henry
omment on the tip, but comments are currently
disabled due to spam considerations.
As a side note, is there hope for re-enabling the comment feature? I've
found that many of the scripts have valuable comments, sometimes
containing bug fixes, sometimes pointing to similar or complementary
e GUI version of Vim doesn't suffer from this limitation. I have
CTRL-S mapped to :update to match the Windows convention of mapping
CTRL-S to "Save".
Michael Henry
tu Linux, GUI Vim: the results were identical to console-mode Vim
on Ubuntu (including the encoding setting).
So my results on Ubuntu match Tony's results on openSUSE. The results
are similar on Windows and mac.
Michael Henry
per mapping
as well:
i * Insert-Command-CR
If I press CTRL-V M-CR on the command-line, I get ^M back (CTRL-M, which
is plain CR). If I press CTRL-V Command-CR, I get .
So on the Mac, it looks like meta-key mapping of CR doesn't work, but
command-key mapping does.
On all three platforms, using A-Enter instead of M-CR seems to make no
discernible difference.
Hopefully this multi-platform test information helps track down the problem.
Michael Henry
all -Wno-unknown-pragmas -mdynamic-no-pic -pipe -I.
-Iproto -DMACO
S_X_UNIX -no-cpp-precomp -I/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -g -O
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -o Vim -framework Carbon -lncurses -liconv
Michael Henry
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