BUG: wrong recognition of words in Vim7.1b on Windows

2007-05-11 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
Hello, Vim 7.1b on Windows XP doesn't properly recognizes words. It does not count Polish diacritics in, so each one is treated as separate word. This is serious bug and with taking into account that Windows users can have problems with getting patched versions it is IMO showstopper. In its

Re: BUG: wrong recognition of words in Vim7.1b on Windows

2007-05-11 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
What is 'iskeyword' set to and where was it set? :15verbose se isk? returns n:\mikolaj\pf\vim\vim71b\vimrc_example.vim m. INFERNAL: From Paris to Berlin Potężna dawka hitów! CD+DVD już w sklepach!

Odp: problem with win32 vim 7.1a.001

2007-05-07 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
I've had similar problem with 7.1a BETA (from CVS) on Mandriva 2006. Solved by removing old directory and fresh checkout. m. Zobacz, jaką walkę stoczy superbohater, by ocalić siebie i swych bliskich. A największa bitwa rozegra się w jego

Odp: trying to leave the GUI world and enter the world of VIM

2007-02-27 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
Does vim have the concept of a project of files? I like the project drawer to the left of the editing window which shows the files and directory structure on my hard drive. Try project or workspace plugins from vim-online. Are there good syntax highlighters for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C,

Re: delete html tags command?

2007-02-26 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
Dnia 26-02-2007 o godz. 5:19 Simon Jackson napisał(a): is there something similar to 'dw' that would delete an entire tag and its contents or one just to delete the opening of a tag (just p instead of psome text/p? Try :help v_at :help v_it m.

Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-18 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
1. Persistence of search highlighting is IMO good thing. Forgot to explain why: newbies often are pressing Esc just in case of ... . So this key shouldn't do by default anything more than changing of mode. m. Adaptacja bestsellerowej

Odp: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-17 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
I won't say more now. If Bram feels that improved defaults would be worth investigating, a discussion here would probably be best. OTOH people who dream in Vim script may not be the best source of ideas on how Vim should be configured to win new converts. I suppose this apply for me also ;),

Odp: Print folded text

2006-11-13 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
Is there a way to print folded code folded?? :TOhtml and print from browser. m. Gdy zawrzesz pakt z tajemnymi mocami, możesz robić wszystko. Ale czy wiesz, jaka będzie tego cena? Znakomity thriller Pakt milczenia w kinach od 10

Odp: Print folded text

2006-11-13 Thread Mikołaj Machowski
Dnia 13-11-2006 o godz. 9:56 Christian Brehm napisał(a): Is there a way to print folded code folded?? :TOhtml and print from browser. m. Tegoroczne odkrycie TopTrendy - debiutancja płyta Lidii Intuicja