combine commands?

2007-04-18 Thread Simon Jackson
is it possible to combine more than one command? Essentially, I am wanting to hit the F12 key and the 2 following commands to run: :w :pyfile %

run python script

2007-04-18 Thread Simon Jackson
is there a way i can run the python script that i am editing inside of vim?

eterm and vim

2007-03-11 Thread Simon Jackson
the following entries in my vimrc only work in gvim but will not work in eterm, aterm or xterm: nmap :tabprevious nmap :tabnext map :tabprevious map :tabnext imap :tabpreviousi imap :tabnexti anyone know why?

visual mode acting up

2007-03-11 Thread Simon Jackson
when i have text selected in visual mode, i type 'y' and instead of yanking the text it overwrites it. anyone know why?

visual problem

2007-03-10 Thread Simon Jackson
** " Ruby "* autocmd FileType ruby setlocal sts=2 et "* " CakePHP "**********

HTML and tidy

2007-03-09 Thread Simon Jackson
Is it possible to use tidy to clean up my html in the current document?

delete html tags command?

2007-02-25 Thread Simon Jackson
is there something similar to 'dw' that would delete an entire tag and its contents or one just to delete the opening of a tag (just instead of some text?

Can gVIM emulate WhiteRoom?

2007-02-24 Thread Simon Jackson
Is it possible for gvim to do the same thing as white room? it seems like it wouldnt be too hard 1) full screen 2) text centered (like the screenshots in the the URL above)

scripts repository

2007-02-22 Thread Simon Jackson
in debian based linux distros, you can type the following.. apt-get install program ...and the system will download the appropriate files to install that program does vim offer anything like this? if not how hard would this be to implement?

changing font size with scroll

2007-02-20 Thread Simon Jackson
I would like to increase/decrease the font size by one when i hold down ctrl and scroll the wheel. is this possible?

show only filenames in tabs

2007-02-19 Thread Simon Jackson
is there anyway to only show the name of the file up in the tabs rather than the entire path? example: this.. index.html instead of this.. \M\s\g\h\e\n\f\index.html

limited fonts in gVim

2007-02-19 Thread Simon Jackson
Im on a windows machine and the choice of fonts to use is VERY limited, is there a way to use any true type font i have installed on the machine?

auto closing tags in HTML

2007-02-19 Thread Simon Jackson
how do i tell vim to close html tags as i'm writing them and place the cursor in between the 2 tags? example: if i type.. then vim replaces it with and places my cursor should be between '>' and '<'

weird autotab action

2007-02-14 Thread Simon Jackson
when i start to write a php function with gvim.. function dostuff() { soon as i hit return it inserts a tab with an aditional 2 spaces how do i get rid of those extra spaces? and for that matter is there a way to close off the function automatically?.. function dostuff() { }

titles of tabs

2007-02-13 Thread Simon Jackson
how do you change the text in the file tabs up at the top?