On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 01:13:47PM -0500, Tom Purl wrote:
> I'm trying to execute a series of Vim commands on multiple files.  Here's
> the workflow:
> 1. Open a file using gvim
> 2. Execute a named macro (that was recorded using the `q + a` command)
> 3. Save and close my file (which forces me to close gvim in this
> example).
> 4. Repeat on the next file without having to re-record my macro.
> This works for me with vim, but for some reason, when I re-open gvim, it
> forgets my "@ macro".  What setting can I change to fix this?

How about changing the workflow to:

1. Open all the files you want to edit:
   $ vim FILE1 FILE2 ...
2. Record the macro while editing the first file then close that file,
   (if you are using 'set hidden' use :bdelete). For this example lets
   assume the macro is recorded to register a
3. Apply the macro to all buffers by running :bufdo normal @a
4. Save the changes by running :wall

Note: you may want to check that the macro had the desired effect before
saving the files, shift through the buffers with :bnext and :bprev.

Thor Andreassen

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