* Linda W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [061106 00:11]:
> The manpages for "my" bash's (3.1.11 on Linux and 3.1.17 on cygwin/i686),
> under Parameter Expansion, has:
>     ${!prefix*}
>        Expands to the names of variables whose names begin with prefix,
>        separated by the first character of the IFS special variable.
> ---
> From this, I'd expect both forms to have the same output. Is this what is 
> intended and what I 
> should expect?
> For test purposes, I set:
>   IFS="<" OFS=">"   # (also set "Output" FS to see if it is used
>                     #  in the output of 'echo')
> ---
> I used 4 tests, all with prefix=U, 1st pair unquoted, 2nd pair quoted.
> input:
>   echo ' * ' =  ${!U*}    ; \     # (line 1 - * unquoted)
>   echo ' @ ' =  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    ; \     # (line 2 - @ unquoted)
>   echo '"*"' = "${!U*}"   ; \     # (line 3 - * quoted)
>   echo '"@"' = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"           # (line 4 - @ quoted)
> ---
> output:
>    *  = UID USER                  # (line 1)
>    @  = UID USER                  # (line 2)
>   "*" = UID<USER                  # (line 3)
>   "@" = UID USER                  # (line 4)
> ---
> QUESTIONS continued...
> - If the two forms are supposed to be identical, why aren't lines
>   3 & 4 the same?
> - Why do the quotes in line 3 make for different output than in line
> Why aren't the 4 lines identical?  I see the IFS, "<" in line 3, but
> not in lines 1,2&4.  Why isn't it in all 4 lines and, also, even the double 
> quotes make a 
> difference when expanding variables, why
> aren't lines 3&4 the same?

As Yakov pointed out, this is the wrong list, but I will answer anyway.

${!prefix*} and [EMAIL PROTECTED] (unquoted) are the same.  However, inside
double quotes, "${!prefix*}" expands to a single word (and requires IFS
separation between the names that match the prefix), while "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
expands to one word for each name that matches, and hence is already
separated by quoting.

I do not see this described in the man page under ${!prefix*}, but if
you look earlier in the man page under Special Parameters, it describes
the difference between $* and [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Also, under Arrays (between 
Parameters and Parameter Expansion), it says that the difference between
${name[*]} and [EMAIL PROTECTED] is analogous to the difference between $* and
$@, so I imagine that the same applies to !prefix.


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