Valery Kondakoff did utter on 13/04/2006 21:20:
Hello, Yegappan!

Thursday, April 13, 2006, 10:42:31 PM, you wrote:

 At least all my experiments were unsuccsessfull. I'm using gVim 7.0d
 under WinXP SP2.

YL> According to version7.txt, multi-byte printing is now supported:
YL> Printing multi-byte text                                
YL> ------------------
YL> The |:hardcopy| command now supports printing multi-byte characters.
YL> The 'printmbcharset' and 'printmbfont' options are used for this.
YL> Also see |postscript-cjk-printing|.  (Mike Williams)

As you can see in my initial message I was trying to play with the new
'printmbcharset' and 'printmbfont' options, but I was unable to force
gVim to print the file in correct encoding. So I was asking for some
help: if there is some happy gVim 7.0 user, who set 'encoding' to
'utf-8' and still was able to print multibyte text? Can you, please,
share your encoding-related settings?

The multi-byte printing support was only for PostScript printing from VIM. I don't believe there is support for multi-byte printing using Windows printing yet. The conversion from the buffer encodinf to the print encoding has not yet been added to VIM.

Taglines temporarily suspended - sorry.

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