matchit functionality and syntax files

2007-09-23 Fir de Conversatie Ed S. Peschko
All, I've been editing html files as of late, and have run into some usability snags. In particular - what's the rationale behind having syntax coloring turned on for a given file, yet 'matchit' turned off? IMO, This makes no sense - you need to bounce between tags to get anything done

Re: matchit functionality and syntax files

2007-09-23 Fir de Conversatie Ed S. Peschko
ps - where exactly are the b:match_words variables defined for a given language? I would have thought it would be as easy as saying: :source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim to get the correct b:match_words variable for my current extension being edited, but this doesn't work. Is

How to tell vim about new shell and new console (terminal)?

2007-09-23 Fir de Conversatie Suresh Govindachar
Here's what MicroSoft is up to for console/terminal: Weird that that thing seems to still have only 16 colors! It is possible to try out PowerShell (a shell, not a console/terminal) today. Commands in PowerShell do not move text data via pipes;

Re: matchit functionality and syntax files

2007-09-23 Fir de Conversatie Gary Johnson
On 2007-09-23, Ed S. Peschko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ok, I see your points about why matching isn't on by default... but surely couldn't this all by encapsulated by: :mtc on the same way that :syn on toggles on syntax highlighting? What do you envision being